Wiser 2 remote access after updated app iPhone 15

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 2 Controller' started by DQE, May 27, 2024.

  1. DQE


    Feb 5, 2023
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    Need help if possible

    after updating app on iPhone can not get access on mobile data. Only on local wifi.
    Was an update to fix issue but still no good. App version 3.7.4
    Need help currently overseas and watering system not enabled.
    DQE, May 27, 2024
  2. DQE


    Nov 23, 2010
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    I know that if you have upgraded your wiser to the latest firmware version, which forces SSL connections as a requirement for WAN access, then you must set you ports to access the wiser to something that is a recognised SSL port - for example I had to change my access port to 5443.

    Just upgrading the app from the IOS app store shouldn't brick your access but given this is occuring for you then I would check and change your port access both in the app and on the unit - unfortunately if you are overseas and don't have access to your system remotely then you're stuck until you get back on site.

    I know the tech boffins did this for security but to change something like a WAN access SSL connection only is plain stupid for people if they are forced to do a IOS software update (although I have not read the latest app notes and I'm just theorising).
    Ambro, Jun 5, 2024
    DQE likes this.
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