george submitted a new resource: [url=][plain]Wireless Changes[/plain][/url] - [plain]Wireless Changes[/plain] [quote]In Toolkit 1.3 Wireless Input Output unit GUI was extended to support 1.5.0 and later firmware versions of Wireless Input Output units. Here is the tutorial that explains what was added and how to use the new features.[LIST] [*][B]Key Sets[/B] [*][B]Remote Controls[/B] [*][B]Outputs[/B] [*][B]Key Functions[/B][/LIST][SIZE=3][B]Key Sets[/B][/SIZE] Wireless Input Output units as of firmware 1.5.0 support Key Sets. A Key Set is a set of virtual keys that maps onto the physical keys. The...[/quote] [url=]Read more about this resource...[/url]