Tica V2.0 what's new list

Discussion in 'Telephone Interface (CBTI) and TICA' started by Richo, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Richo


    Jul 26, 2004
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    As has been mentioned, we are expecting to release the public beta of Tica V2.0 soon. While you wait I have just finished compiling a list of the changes since Tica V1.x.

    IMPORTANT: This list is not final and it is subject to change. It is provided as a guide only!

    More robust internal configuration and use of the C-Bus Connection
    Not anything you are likely to come across, but the foundation software for communciation between the CBTI and C-Bus has had a major upgrade and is based on the publicly available C-Bus drivers.

    Reliability problems when downloading improved
    In some cases the download process was unreliable. In some cases the "please remove cable" message at the end of downloading would disappear for no reason. This problem is now fixed.

    Added Support for Security Application
    Tica 2 adds support for the CBTI to repsond to Security System messages on C-Bus. If you have a Security System that is is connected to C-Bus and implements the Security Application, you can use the CBTI to respond to changes and initiate change in the Security System.

    Added Support for Blind Dialing
    CBTI can now have dial tone detection disabled. This is called Blind Dialling and is usefull if you uses service that changes the dial tone form standard. An example is Telephone Exchange based answering services that alter the dial tone when you have waiting messages. Blind Dialling is turned off by default.

    Regional Ring Count Boundries
    The min and max rings allowed for answering is now based on the selected country. At most this is between 2 and 9 rings.

    Added Door Bell support
    A collection of fun sounds can be assigned to a group change. When the group changes the sound is played out the announcement port of the CBTI.

    Access Code checking can be disabled
    Can disable access code checking. This prevents the CBTI from going off hook when it detects a call in progress.

    Timeouts added for flexability
    Some time outs have been added to allow finer tuning of the CBTI behaviour to suit your needs.

    Wait for Access Code Timeout Changed to Seconds
    This is the period of time in seconds that the CBTI waits for someone to enter the local access code after a local pickup is detected. Tica Projects created with version 1.x of Tica had this value in minutes, as Tica V2 and later only supports a maximum value of 40 seconds, all upgraded projects will be changed to use this value.

    Improved Mobile Phone Support
    Dial in access from a mobile phone now works correctly with all tested mobile phones.

    Improved Hangup detection
    CBTI is much more reliable and faster in detecting that a dialed in user has hungup the line. In the event that the hangup cannot be automatically detected, a much shorter timeout is now used, and you can adjust that timeout.

    Advanced reading of Lighting Levels
    When online the Advanced Options menu allows you to read Lighting Level by application and group addess

    Audio Language improvements
    Chinese voice louder and all asian langauges made slower.

    Wording used in menus improved
    Minor wording changes in menus for new projects.

    Improved compatibilty with Mandarin and Cantonese languages
    Added the report style "Percent Before" to allow announcements that conform to how Mandarin and Cantonese languages announce percentages.

    Undesirable noises fixed when CBTI online
    Clicking on the phone line when CBTI picks up the line has been fixed.

    Problems previously found downloading using USB adaptors and some laptops were fixed in version 1.16, and these improvements are preserved in this new release.

    Tica 2.x is compatible with all existing CBTI hardware. Downloading a Tica 2.x project will upgrade the firmware inside the CBTI automatically. Tica 2.x will open and convert Tica 1.x project files to Tica 2.x project files.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2005
    Richo, Jun 7, 2005
  2. Richo


    Aug 3, 2004
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    sounds like all my christmases have come at once

    Look forward to the release

    Should get those customers off my back
    Nathan, Jun 7, 2005
  3. Richo

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Please accept our apologies about how long it has taken to get this release out.

    This has been a major engineering effort to update both the firmware and the TICA configuration software.

    In my case the firmware was written by another person and it has been a particularly difficult and traumatic process of trying to figure out how it works, fix the problems, and add the new features as well.

    This new release is much more stable.

    Clipsal STRONGLY recommend that when this release comes off Beta, it be used for all sites including existing installations.

    For those of you who have been waiting - the Beta will be up very soon and we welcome feedback.

    For those who have been waiting for the blind dial support (ie dial into a funny dial tone) - note that it is turned OFF by default.
    ashleigh, Jun 8, 2005
  4. Richo

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    There are a few teething troubles so we are holding back on the beta release to make a couple of minor fixes.

    If it all goes well it should be up around about 16th June.
    ashleigh, Jun 9, 2005
  5. Richo


    Jul 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Richo, Jun 10, 2005
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