daniel submitted a new resource: [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/phone-home-connecting-to-a-cbti.16/][plain]Phone Home (connecting to a CBTI)[/plain][/url] - [plain]Phone Home (connecting to a CBTI)[/plain] [quote][U]Requirements[/U] [LIST] [*]C-Bus Toolkit 1.1.4 or later [*]Dial-Up Modem [*]CBTI (C-Bus Telephone Interface) [/LIST] [U]Summary[/U] One new feature we snuck into Toolkit v1.1.4 was the ability to dial into a CBTI on a remote network. Once you have connected to the CBTI, the network appears in Toolkit and can be scanned and configured exactly as though you were directly plugged into a PCI on that network. [U]Configuration[/U] Select a Project in the Project Manager, and use the "Add...[/quote] [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/phone-home-connecting-to-a-cbti.16/]Read more about this resource...[/url]