no database in Toolkit - what to do with xml file

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by nsa195, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. nsa195


    Oct 27, 2014
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    Hi all,

    I am an end user who moved into a house with a fully operational C-bus and a colour touchscreen; i installed a 5500PCU interface recently and i am trying to modify a few things in my setup, through PICED and Toolkit.

    In Toolkit i get a good number of Units on Network, but nothing for Units in Database. I have no idea who the installer was so i can't get my Project File from him.

    From the TouchScreen i downloaded a cta archive file and this included a 2? years old 191KB xml file (and a 3KB ctf as well, created a few minutes later) that says "<Description>C-bus project generated from live network by C-Gate v2.8.0 (build 2316)" - can i use that as Project File ? If so how can i import this into Toolkit ?

    Thank you !
    nsa195, Nov 13, 2014
  2. nsa195

    Mr Mark

    Jan 27, 2006
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    Hello nsa195.

    Not sure how much you have played with Toolkit and PICED so far, but try this:
    1 - connect to the colour touch screen, open PICED and use the option "Transfer Project From Unit". at some stage it will ask about saving the Toolkit/C-Gate file (can't remember the wording off the top of my head). Save and close PICED;
    2 - open Toolkit and you should see your project there. When you do, and after connecting to the network, transfer all programming to the database and this should give you both the tags and the latest configuration.

    Or you could just transfer what you have from the network to the database and manually add the tags from the CTF file.
    Mr Mark, Nov 13, 2014
  3. nsa195


    Oct 27, 2014
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    I can now answer my own question, in case it helps anyone else with the same issue.

    The XML file extracted from the TouchScreen should be moved to a directory that, on my system, was: Clipsal / C-Gate2 / tag

    Once the XML file is in that directory, Toolkit will be able to access it and will automatically import all the data it contains, such as the labels given to units, the tags on the LCD switches (DLT) etc... This XML file will then be updated if/when the user modifies such data.

    nsa195, Apr 14, 2015
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