Fully Connected Bridged Network Topology Problem

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by JasonY00, Aug 21, 2024.

  1. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi Everyone,

    I have a three c-bus network installation with three bridges and I am struggling with finalising a fully connected network topology due to a near/far side bridge allocation in toolkit.

    Generally, I would like the topology to look like this from the C-Bus training manual:
    My three bridges are physically wired and configured in exactly this way in a fully connected (ring) topology. i.e.

    PCI--->Local--->Bridge1--->Remote1--->Bridge2--->Remote2--->Bridge3--->Local (connected back to Bridge1)


    In toolkit, my CNI which is connected to my 254 local network assigns as appropriate NEAR SIDE (NS) bridges to the two remote 252 and 253 networks which have a FAR SIDE (FS) allocation to their bridges. My understanding is that the NS/FS allocation in the bridge configuration is allocated in the direction moving away from the CNI/PCI to each subsequent remote network. i.e.
    CNI--->Local--->NS/FS --->Remote1--->NS/FS--->Remote2--->NS/FS etc.

    When I try to install the bridges and add each subsequent network, I run into the problem when coming back to the local network from Remote2 that the network is already created. So I then configure the bridge via editing each side of the bridge with its address corresponding to the adjacent network.

    However, the "gotcha" here is that I end up with a bridge with two Near Sides.

    CNI--->Local--->NS/FS --->Remote1--->NS/FS--->Remote2---> NS/NS !!! --->Local

    I tried adding each bridged network and not physically connecting the Remote Network back to the local until the very end, but the NS/NS bridge problem occurs.

    When you look at this bridge in the topology selection in Toolkit the Device Address is missing even though it is configured appropriately. with a 252 address pointing back to Network 252. There is also no Far Side option and if you mouse click on the numberless Far Side, it shows device "0" on the adjacent Main 254 network.


    Bridge without device number even though it is specified as 252

    Result when mouse clicking on the unnumbered far side of the bridge

    I managed to login to a remote network using a CNI directly connected to that network and defined the NS/FS correctly. However, when I went back to the now NS/FS bridge in the 254 network, it then presented as a "device mismatch" because the database wants to see a FS bridge, but the network sees a NS bridge...

    So...have I got this completely wrong, am I missing something simple, or does his just not work as specified?

    I want all of my networks to route their GA status to each of the other networks and I understand that this is the way to do it.

    Any ideas from the Bridge Guru's out there?

    Thanks in advance.


    Attached Files:

    JasonY00, Aug 21, 2024
  2. JasonY00


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    A couple of questions...
    -Are you using multiple networks for distance issues, number of units (max current) issues or some other reason?
    -Why do you want/need to configure as a 'ring-route'? Just a point, it's not a great idea to do that with networks and will bring you untold pain.
    -Is there a reason that you want/need to go two networks deep and not just have your second and third networks connected directly to your main (local) network.
    Conformist, Aug 21, 2024
  3. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
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    Thanks for your reply.

    The three networks are on three different floors and I have more than 255 devices, close to 255 Groups in the lighting application 56h and I have a second lighting app defined on 57h that is also almost at 255 Groups.

    The power requirements push me well over the 200mA max current for a network so I am at three networks due to this. C-Bus cable distance is not a problem.

    I have two colour C-touch's on the main network with the other two networks having DLT's only so nor remote routing elements. I want to route all group traffic for all applications between all three networks no matter which network initiates the group level change. The Groups across the networks have the same name so that if the Group changes on one network, I want it to change on the other networks. This currently seems to work one way only on a "C-Bus backbone network topology" (level change on local network ---> level change on remote network)

    I have a separate CNI attached to each network, but this is mainly for backup and won't help with my group routing requirements. I do not use an "ethernet backbone topology".

    As mentioned, I did have a "C-Bus backbone network topology" of a main local network with two attached remote networks each via two bridges, but even with the correct configuration for routing "All Applications" via the bridges to "Adjacent Network" and "Other Remote Network", group level changes instigated at the remote networks were not being seen as corresponding level changes in main network.

    For example, watching C-Gate log messages, if I turn GA 125 on application 57 OFF in the Main (Local Network) 254, I see the following transmission of messages to the remote networks 252 & 253

    20240821-191417 730 //JYOUNG/254/57/125 56fc8d20-419e-103d-9714-844bbd28ccca new level=0 sourceunit=3 ramptime=0 sessionId=cmd3 commandId=14856
    20240821-191417 730 //JYOUNG/253/57/125 1c240840-41cb-103d-b094-844bbd28ccca new level=0 sourceunit=-1 ramptime=0 sessionId=cmd3 commandId=14856
    20240821-191417 730 //JYOUNG/252/57/125 c0bbb590-41a0-103d-ac3d-844bbd28ccca new level=0 sourceunit=-1 ramptime=0 sessionId=cmd3 commandId=14856

    As a result, the corresponding GA turns OFF in both remote networks as expected and this can be seen in the Groups in each network in Toolkit.

    If, however, I turn the same GA back ON in the remote network 253, the message doesn't pass back to network 254 and the GA 125 on Application 57 remains unchanged on the main network:

    20240821-191957 730 //JYOUNG/253/57/125 1c240840-41cb-103d-b094-844bbd28ccca new level=255 sourceunit=254 ramptime=0 sessionId=cmd3 commandId=14866
    20240821-191957 766 cmd3 - Response: [14866] 200 OK: //JYOUNG/253/57/125

    I'm unsure how to interpret the 200 OK message here? I cannot find a reference to "766" response above in the C-Gate manual. 756 is the last entry in the 76x reference w.r.t. PCI Sychronisation Events

    So. changing GA's in the local network are routed to the remote networks, but not the other way around. I was of the understanding that a fully bridged network would solve this problem! Am I misunderstanding this from the C-Bus documentation on bridging and packet routing?

    On the surface, a fully connected topology ticks all of the boxes, whay can't I configure it?


    JasonY00, Aug 21, 2024
  4. JasonY00


    Aug 4, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia
    I understand (now) what you are trying to achieve. I also see that Toolkit is giving some very confusing near side/far side feedback on units.

    So, maybe try this... Ignore the near side and far side descriptions that are being served up in toolkit (for now anyway). The unit address of each bridge must match the network address of the intended destination. My testing on a project showed similar results to you but I manipulated the unit addresses manually so that...

    Network 254>>>
    Bridge 1 has a unit address of 253 - the network address of Network 253
    Bridge 2 has a unit address of 252 - the network address of Network 252

    Network 252>>>
    Bridge 1 has a unit address of 253 - the network address of Network 253
    Bridge 2 (other side of bridge 2 from network 254) has a unit address of 254

    Network 253>>>
    Bridge 1 (other side of bridge 1 from network 254) has a unit address of 254
    Bridge 2 (other side of bridge 1 from network 252) has a unit address of 252

    The unit address is an important parts of where messages are directed. By doing this and making sure the 'send to adjacent network' box is ticked in both sides of each bridge, each message should be sent to both adjacent networks across multiple applications even from CGate (not just C-Bus units).

    I've tried this only in theory. My understanding of network messages was explained to me by the father of C-Bus (Don Terrace) many, many years ago. Keen to hear how you go.
    Conformist, Aug 21, 2024
  5. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for having a play in Toolkit and I am happy that you could reproduce the Near/Far Side issues. Have a look at the topology and you may even see the dreaded unnumbered one-sided bridge that points to Address 0.

    What you have described in your last post, is what I have configured and what is documented in the Schneider C-Bus Training Manual on page 21. However, it seems to contradict Newman's comment on an earlier post from 2009 about the same question asked for the same reasons for having a fully connected network:


    Here he states that "Toolkit will also prevent you from configuring your Bridges in this way." So Toolkit does not let you create a topology that is a documented "be-all-and-end-all" topology w.r.t. to message propagation in the C-Bus training manual!

    I will keep playing to see if I get anywhere. Thanks again for your detailed, fast and insightful replies. I greatly appreciate it. I will go back to the "C-Bus Backbone" topology if I have no joy, but I investigated the fully connected topology in the first pace because the backbone topology didn't pass messages back from the remote networks....


    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
    JasonY00, Aug 21, 2024
  6. JasonY00


    Aug 4, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia
    No probs Jason

    I've just had another look at the bridge dialogue. I was always of the understanding the 'send to adjacent network' and 'send to other remote network' options were mutually exclusive. The dialogue indicates you can send to adjacent network and (also) a remote network (you did mention this in your original post).
    Something is not right with this. Not too sure who we can poke on this these days.
    Conformist, Aug 21, 2024
  7. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
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    I really spent a lot of time on this, drawing the topology, noting serial numbers, rechecking cabling, moving bridges around, reading the training manuals and help files, I thought it would not be too difficult. It's just like any other ring topology network concept. But it wasn't meant to be...

    Never mind. I will keep trying...

    Thanks again

    JasonY00, Aug 21, 2024
  8. JasonY00


    Oct 7, 2004
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    One of our tech's is having a similar issue at the moment. I seem to recall something around needing the group address being in a unit to pass the message through multiple levels of bridge? So (presuming the ring is not connected) for a message to get from remote 2 to local, would require the group to be in a unit in remote 1 so that the message get's passed along. I could be wrong, but seem to recall something around this.
    Nobes, Oct 14, 2024
  9. JasonY00

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    HI Jason

    If I understand this correctly you have in total 3 Networks of C-Bus (some small typos aside but it is split into 3 due to the number of devices exceeds 2000ma for each Network) you want each network to be able to see and respond and send communications to each other network.

    These networks are in Series 254 > 253 > 252 And you feel it is required from reading of manuals that 252 needs to connect back to 254 in order for the network to be fully connected.

    If my above statements are correct and you have only 3 networks the Bridge between 252 > 254 is not required.

    In its place you can simply use the Send to Remote feature in the Bridge this can be a little tricky to explain in text,

    With Network 254,253,252 all setup and connected by Bridges, Delete the Bridge from your project that is on network 254 at Unit address 252. Then Delete the bridge from your project that is in Network 252 with unit address 254 (this removes the Bridge that is not required and cleans up the project so toolkit will not become confused). this step must be done first. you must also remove the unused bridge from the physical network. Failure to do these steps first will result in unexpected / undesirable issues.

    In Network 254 Edit the Bridge at unit address 253, Set the following Connection properties.
    Applications 1 = All Applications.
    Applications 2 = <Unused>.
    Send to adjacent Network = True (tick)
    Send to other remote network = True (tick) and in drop down you should only be able select your network 252 from this list -

    In Network 253 Edit the Bridge at unit address 254, Set the following Connection properties.
    Applications 1 = All Applications.
    Applications 2 = <Unused>.
    Send to adjacent Network = True (tick)
    Send to other remote network = False (its probably disabled anyway)

    In Network 253 Edit the Bridge at unit address 252, Set the following Connection properties.
    Applications 1 = All Applications.
    Applications 2 = <Unused>.
    Send to adjacent Network = True (tick)
    Send to other remote network = False (its probably disabled anyway)

    In Network 252 Edit the Bridge at unit address 253, Set the following Connection properties.
    Applications 1 = All Applications.
    Applications 2 = <Unused>.
    Send to adjacent Network = True (tick)
    Send to other remote network = True (tick) and in drop down you should only be able select your network 254 from this list -

    This is the way to deliver fully connected network of 3 networks in Series. note the limit is 3

    Also Note for Creating the format of a Bridged Network Ring This can be done in Toolkit
    but it has to be done at a project level, not with Live devices or live network (at least it is easier to do this way)

    The process is
    starting with first network in project,
    From project Level selection use the Add network- Select Bridge Network, Set Local network as Transit Network - Select Add Bridge Option to true.
    Repeat the above for third network - Making Second network the Transit . add the bridge as part of this process.
    in the third network select the units item and add a Device to project, From Devices Select Near Side Bridge 5500NB - add the device, when the Dialog appears Set the Adjacent Network to be the Local (254) network.

    You have now created the desired network topology toolkit can not display this topology in the topology view but it will show 3rd network connected by bridge to first network in text,

    After this you need to be very careful to ensure that you reconcile the live network to your project devices without changing the unit address of the project for the bridges. so match bridges to project units and unit address. You should also transfer from project to network the bridge configuration to ensure each bridge is correctly configured.

    You must ensure if using this method that you do not use the Send to other remote network. feature it should be disabled in all bridges.

    But Jason for you, I recommend using my first proposal, get rid of the excess bridge and use the feature "Send to other remote network" in your case as this is what it was intended for.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024
    Colin, Oct 15, 2024
  10. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thank you Colin!

    I appreciate your really detailed response.

    The problem I was having was that I had a 254 main network and two remote 252 and 253 networks each connected to the main network only.

    For example if I had a change in a GA level on a bus coupler in the 252 remote network, it would not change the corresponding GA (with the same name) in the main 254 network! I had the appropriate "Sent to adjacent network" box ticked in the "Message Destination" section of the "Connection" tab on both the Near/Far side of the bridge, but the change in GA state on the remote network would not change the main network GA. The change in GA would only work if I changed a GA on the main network and this would be reflected on the remote network. In effect it was a one way street. Note that there are no logic engines on the remote networks so I couldn't use logic to pass the message back to the main network GA's either. I didn't want stacks of code in my main network logic engines to "monitor" the remote network GA's and write out the new state to the corresponding main GA.

    Below is the topology I always had and still have running:

    I have a few bridges with various firmware versions to play with here so I will have a go at everything you have suggested in a test setup.

    I thought that If I utilised the "ring" type fully connected network where each network was feeding to the next and there was no main "backbone" network, that I may have some luck. But I couldn't configure it in Toolkit as per my documented experience above. If you know a solution to how to get my remote network GA to change the state of my local GA then my problems are solved. Did I just miss something simple, or do something stupid? Any ideas...

    Thanks again for your support!

    JasonY00, Oct 17, 2024
  11. JasonY00


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Try reversing the connections on you bridge and readdressing them.
    My thoughts are twofold,
    Is Toolkit actually programming the remote side correctly, you can view this when reversed and readdressed as it's now the nearside.
    Secondly is the bridge faulty hence now the messages will only be successful in the other direction.
    Wonkey, Oct 24, 2024
  12. JasonY00


    Aug 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Great idea! I am always up to trying something different. Toolkit may be a little smarter, but you never know.

    I have 6 bridges to play with and only need 3, it’s just finding the time at present to have another crack at the problem.

    this suggestion is now on the list!

    Thanks mate.

    JasonY00, Oct 31, 2024
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