CGATE/MRA/Audio Application

Discussion in 'C-Gate Developers' started by MHeaton, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. MHeaton


    Apr 22, 2008
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    Hi there,
    I can see that I can send a AUDIO ZONE_DESCRIPTOR_REQUEST or AUDIO ZONE_FEED_LABEL_REQUEST message over CGate.

    Are the responses to these messages from the MRA documented anywhere? I am wanting to emulate them and would like to send feed data to my eDLT unit. I assume it sends some form of LIGHTING LABEL command.

    The Audio application is conspicuous in its absence in the documented low level protocols.

    MHeaton, Jun 11, 2017
  2. MHeaton

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Regarding those - I'm fairly sure they are not implemented or used (certainly not for what you think).

    For external control and monitoring purposes, the multi-room audio stuff uses the Media Transport application, which is documented.

    Let me clarify after looking a bit more. Those AUDIO application commands are generally used INTERNAL to MRA components (eg MRA to MRA or MRA to amplifier); they are not publicly documented because they are not intended to be exposed. C-Gate exposing them is a debatablely good/bad thing - but I'd land on the side of BAD.

    I would not suggest you try and use them, results are unlikely to be what you expect, and if your MRA system stops working they way you think it should, then don't be surprised.

    As far as I can remember when you request a feed label operation, the MRA Matrix Switcher will emit suitable labels. The form of these should be whatever is normally emitted for any dynamic labelling operation.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2017
    ashleigh, Jun 11, 2017
  3. MHeaton


    Apr 22, 2008
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    Thanks for coming back to me. I am emulating the MRA with a Windows Service I have written (controlling Sonos, ARcam and Denon kit amongst others) and it is all working pretty well with a Touch Screen, WISER, couple of IR emitters etc.

    If I read the help I see the following on the eDLT:

    How C-Bus messaging is used to change audio source channels
    The sequence of messages that are transmitted across the C-Bus with an MRA system including a MRA Matrix Switcher depends on the audio action initiated, which unit initiates messaging across the C-Bus and which units interpret the message. Media selection is handled by the Media Transport Control application. Audio source (feed) is handled by the Audio Control application as well as audio volume (gain). The DLT display input units require a Lighting message to update label information.

    In the case of changing the audio source of an MRA system, both the Audio Control and Media Transport Control applications are involved. If the DLT display is involved, it can only update labels using the Lighting application.

    Changing sources from the Colour C-Touch Screen

    The example below lists message sequences which occur when a change of audio source is initiated from the Colour C-Touch Screen.

    1.A building occupant presses a change of audio source on the Colour C-Touch Screen.

    2.The Colour C-Touch Screen sends an Audio Control Set Feed message to the MRA Matrix Switcher.

    3.The MRA Matrix Switcher sends Audio Control Current Feed message to the MRA amplifier to set the current audio source (feed) and amplifier gain.

    4.The MRA Matrix Switcher sends Audio Control Label messages to transmit labels for Dynamic 1 and 2 and the zone.

    5.The MRA, in turn, converts the label information into a Lighting message.

    6.The MRA sends the Lighting label message across the C-Bus.

    Note: The last two messages are not used by the Colour C-Touch Screen

    Changing sources from the DLT display input unit

    The example below lists message sequences which occur when a change of audio source is initiated from the DLT display input unit.onto

    1.A building occupant selects a change in audio source using a DLT unit.

    2.The DLT unit sends a Lighting Group ON message onto the C-Bus.

    3.This message is picked up by the MRA amplifier where it is converted from a Lighting message to an Audio Control Next Feed message and sent onto the C-Bus.

    4.The MRA amplifier sends a Lighting Group OFF message onto the C-Bus. This message is picked up by the DLT unit, which switches Off the button indicator.

    5.The MRA Matrix Switcher sends Audio Control Current Feed message to the MRA amplifier to set the current source (feed) and amplifier gain.

    6.The MRA Matrix Switcher sends Lighting Label message to transmit labels onto the C-Bus for DLT unit to display the new source name.

    I am interested in step 6 of the above so that I can correctly display the Dynamic 1 and 2 commands and feed information on an eDLT.

    On cGATE
    LIGHTING UNICODELABEL app language group-number action-sel variant option textlabel|

    My question is how do I set those parameters for a label update for this use case?

    MHeaton, Jun 11, 2017
  4. MHeaton

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia

    Not 100% sure as this documentation is unpublished, mainly as I recall because its VERY complex and was designed to permit a 100% plug-n-play arrangement which never quite made it into a release.

    But a hint here is that it was designed for lighting compatibility and plug and play.

    Therefore you can assume that groups will be lighting-like in some way, and ditto labels.

    From there I suspect you will need to reverse engineer it.

    As I recall (and it is now a long time ago) there were feed groups, analogous to lighting groups.

    I realise this is not a lot of help but it might set you on the right direction.

    ALSO as another general note: there was a LOT of overloading of operations and functions going on, so your feed groups are likely to be low numbers, probably 0..15, as the higher numbers had or most likely had other purposes.

    Oh yeah. APP for audio control was (hex) $CD (geddit?). THAT MAY NOT BE RELEVANT as it depends on how those labels are emitted, they might be on lighting instead.
    ashleigh, Jun 12, 2017
  5. MHeaton


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Perth, Australia
    Hi Mark,

    Bringing up an old thread from the grave!
    Just wanted to see if you had any luck with the above?
    I'm fishing around to see if I can conjure up a way to use the MRA widget on my eDLTs, by poking cgate with the right information!

    The Media Transport documentation does not even mention the word 'zone'....


    Timbo, Feb 12, 2019
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