CGate 3.2.x Project Conversion Failing

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Timbo, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. Timbo


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Perth, Australia
    Just seeing if anybody has any tricks up their sleeves when a the newer CGate 3.2.x doesn't allow one or more projects to be 'upgraded'?
    Couple of my bigger projects are just stuck 'waiting' and then eventually become unopenable in the latest Toolkit 1.17

    The CGate service runs as a background task now, so it's not easy to see any errors etc in the console window.
    Can this be run in a user-interactive / CLI mode?
    Any upgrade logs people are aware of that I can go fishing through?


    Timbo, Nov 1, 2023
  2. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hi Tim

    A Few items,

    You Can choose to install C-Gate not as a service in which case it will run as CLI still,

    We have also released with this the SpaceLogic C-Bus Commission software that is also running on C-Gate 3.2.0 and this software has a easier way to access log file and send them of to Schneider / Clipsal Tech support for your issues to be looked at, As all the Folders for C-Gate have now moved to be Windows Compliant Directories, logs are not in the same place.

    to look at C-Gate event logs directly you will find them in
    C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\C-Gate 3\logs

    As for the project Update issues, it would be good to inform Tech support.
    What version of Toolkit did you upgrade from when moving to Toolkit 1.17.0

    And the Projects that appear to be stuck had they been opened in the previous version of toolkit or is there a chance they may have been older and required conversion from previous builds.

    I can attempt to help you force a try again for this issue, Your original projects had you upgraded from C-Gate 2.x and Toolkit 1.16.4 or earlier will still be the C:\Clipsal\C-Gate\tags folders.

    you Should also note that the new projects for C-Gate 3 are now located in your My documents folder in the sub folder \C-Bus Commission\Projects

    each converted project now has a Folder of its own using the name of the project for the folder.

    It may be possible that your projects have converted but the final process of moving the original project.xml out of the main folder into a archive has not completed.

    Look in your \C-Bus Commission\Projects Folder and look for the folders with the names of the projects that are stuck,

    if you find them, Open the folders and in the main folder see if there is a file here of your project name. db
    Also see if there is a folder called XML Backup files, and if it is there open it and check to see if there is a file inside called your project name. xml .

    if all these files and folders are present and your the .db file is about 30 times the file size of the XML file (just a rough estimate). then it would be probable that the project has converted.

    In which case with Toolkit and SpaceLogic C-Bus Commission software closed, look back in the
    \C-Bus Commission\Projects folder and see if the projectname.xml file is still here, if it is you can Delete it or if unsure move it out of this folder.

    then Start Toolkit again, and see if your project is now ready to use.

    If there was no projectname .xml file in the \C-Bus Commission\Projects, or no folders for the project, Please reply and I will provide additional steps to remove the project from the software and upgrade and then re-import them back in for a second attempt at conversion.
    Colin, Nov 1, 2023
  3. Timbo


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Colin
    Reading the release notes for C-Gate 3 it states that c-Gate 2 and 3 cannot exist on the same machine.
    Will Marpa be upgraded to allow it to be used with C-Gate 3?
    Wonkey, Nov 2, 2023
  4. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hi Wonkey

    Marpa 3.1.0 version does not require any update to work with C-Gate 3, You should have no issue to open or create a new project in MARPA 3.1.0 as long as your projects used in existing Marpa project have been converted over to C-Gate 3

    The Link to SE Web page where you can find MARP i have added below

    A Note for anyone reading this. C-Gate 3 is a Upgrade to C-Gate 2, as such C-Gate 3 Still supports all the same command sets and interfaces as C-Gate 2, You may make reference to release notes, for information on any Degraded / Retired commands sets in C-Gate with each release, Although we are not in the habit of doing that except for in cases of need such as addressing a Vulnerability.

    What is different about C-Gate 3 is that it has new Project formatting (it no longer uses the project.xml) Projects for C-Bus can now also include DALI when using the C-BUS DALI 2 Gateway, amongst many other items, and Projects for C-Bus in C-Gate 3 have improved representation of the C-Bus Applications and there is more to come over the next releases. Thus the Content of the Project file has changed considerably and will continue to do so. And also the project locations and Program Locations have all changed for C-Gate and New software but not for old software such as PICED, Schedule Plus, MARPA, CIRCA, Home Gate, OPC Server...

    Hence Apart from Software such as PICED that needs to deal with Project Files, directly for backup and restore etc and Software that has a version validation link with C-Gate other software that was working directly with C-Gate 2 Should have no issues to work with C-Gate 3 and the New format of Project files. this includes third party solutions (not developed by Schneider/Clipsal) as long as they are working with C-Gate Commands and not just trying to PASS the project xml file directly,
    Colin, Nov 2, 2023
  5. Timbo


    Nov 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide Hills
    Hi Colin,

    Seem to be having the same sort of issues with 3 or 4 projects that will not convert.
    Haven't noticed any common thread between those projects as far as network size or products used in the projects.
    What I have noticed is the database name is different on failing projects
    Correctly converted "Projectname.db"
    Failed to convert ""

    All have a copy of XML file in backup folder (which is smaller in size to the db file, but not a consistent ratio)

    Also have a "Projectname.xml.0" file in the C-Bus Commission>projects directory for some but not all of my projects.

    Upgraded from Toolkit & CGate-
    At least 1 of those projects was being actively used on this version.

    Any help greatly appreciated

    Woody, Nov 7, 2023
  6. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    If your willing,

    I would contact Tech Support, and arrange to send them the Log files and if willing the Toolkit Project files that are not importing.

    must be something of a special case for these projects, that is causing the process to fail to complete,

    if any issues to get them sent through tech support, then please let me know and I will help support getting this addressed.
    Colin, Nov 11, 2023
  7. Timbo


    Nov 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide Hills
    Cheers Colin,
    I'll get in touch with Tech Support & report back any findings
    Woody, Nov 12, 2023
  8. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Please let us know if you have any issue or delay in getting a response from tech support

    A few items that you may check that have been uncovered so far,

    1. If updating from a PC with C-Gate 2 / Toolkit 1.16.4 and earlier on it.
    Please ensure that all projects are current - you may have some that are very old and need to be converted within toolkit C/Gate 2 first. (this is more precautionary item that must do)

    2. Make sure that all XML files in the C-0Gate 2 Tags Folder are C-Bus Toolkits project files. Items to be aware off, files like Languages.xml could exist in this folder if for example you export project from PICED Wiser 2 and selected the wrong XML file to restore C-Bus Project. or for some reason you have added other XML format files to this folder.

    Ensuring that the installation of Toolkit 1.17.0 and SpaceLogic C-Bus Commission V2 (SLCC) has a clean place to start from will help.

    IF you have projects that have failed to convert, you may choose to export the logs from SLCC or even go and look the event.txt log file for C-Gate 3 directly, it will show what errors it encountered. If it shows the Project of that Name already exists, then the conversion will fail, this currently leaves SLCC and Toolkit for that project stuck in a waiting state, (we are aware of the issue and will work to resolve this in upcoming updates)

    in the mean time, you could resolve this, by. Closing the software both SLCC and Toolkit, If C-Gate is not running as service also close C-Gate.

    IN the My Documents folder you find the C-Bus Commission Folder and inside this folder you will find a Projects folder <User>\Documents\C-Bus Commission\Projects

    Look for the folder with the project name that the conflict is occurring. and (if you have no fear of loosing it or have backup of the project in XML you may delete this folder), else Cut and Paste folder to a location outside of the project path. Placing it in <user>\Documents\C-Bus Commission\ for example will be fine.

    Restart either SLCC or Toolkit, and see if the project now imports successfully,

    Just a reminder, It is always helpful to us and to the C-Bus community that if you are having errors occur and see these in Log files etc. that you please report them to Tech Support and Send the files through. so as the root cause can be identified and we can improve the software experience for everyone.
    Colin, Nov 17, 2023
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