I had C-gate 2.8.0 running on a Linux box (32-bit) which I have just upgraded. To make the 2.8.0 install stable I had to restart C-Gate nightly - I don't recall exactly why now but I think CPU and memory usage crept up over time and restarting at 3am every morning was a quick fix. With the upgrade to 2.9.5 I've taken that restart out to see if the system can be stable without it. Checking this morning (it's been running less than 24 hours) C-Gate is now using 15% of available RAM (it was 8% last night), and the number of threads is growing (currently 1265, it was 1261 when I started writing this post). Suggestions as to what might be causing this? I have level 9 logs if needed. (Thread count now 1269...)