Hello I need some help when interpreting the fan status as returned in the 'aircon set_zone_hvac_mode' data from CGate please: Eg, as received from CGate [CODE] Rx "aircon set_zone_hvac_mode //PROJECT1/254/172 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 5888 0 #sourceunit=200 OID=7fa34bf0-2b5b-1033-9c98-cc8c9e3e27eb sessionId=cmd9 commandId=14" [/CODE] == 0 == Fan Auto [CODE]Rx "aircon set_zone_hvac_mode //PROJECT1/254/172 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 5888 127 #sourceunit=2 OID=7fa34bf0-2b5b-1033-9c98-cc8c9e3e27eb" [/CODE] == 127 == 0111 1111 == FAN Continuous (1) & 63. Looking in Toolkit Log it says 63 == FULL [CODE]Rx "aircon set_zone_hvac_mode //PROJECT1/254/172 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 5888 106 #sourceunit=2 OID=7fa34bf0-2b5b-1033-9c98-cc8c9e3e27eb"[/CODE] == 106 == 0110 1010 == FAN Continuous (1) & 42. Looking in Toolkit Log it says 42 == 67% of full speed [CODE] Rx "aircon set_zone_hvac_mode //PROJECT1/254/172 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 5888 85 #sourceunit=2 OID=7fa34bf0-2b5b-1033-9c98-cc8c9e3e27eb"[/CODE] == 85 == 0101 0101 == FAN Continuous(1) & 21. Looking in Toolkit Log it says 21 == 33% of full speed. I would like to know a. is the conversion between decimal and percentage (eg 21 = 33%, 42==67% etc) a mapping or a calculation b. if it is a calculation, can I please have the details of the calculation. Thanks very much :)