Wiser Losing Connection to C-BUS Network

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by jamesng, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    The wiser which I've had running for months here has now started dropping its connection to the C-BUS network - the status icon on the Wiser's browser interface shows the C-BUS with the red line through it and the Connection status icon with a green plug.

    At the moments the stats show:

    attempted reconnects: 0
    keep alive signals: 95
    watchdog counter: 0
    successful connections: 1

    I am able to connect to the Wiser's CNI from toolkit and I'm able to connect to the Wiser's router / web server via a browser and the Wiser's IP address.

    The LED status light on the Wiser is flashing orange / green (which I think means that the C-BUS connection is good)

    I'm running Wiser Version 3.9.0. Toolkit reports the voltage of the Wisers CNI to be 30.4V and as I can connect to the CNI from toolkit I assume the Wiser is physically connected ok to the network.

    Clicking on the Wiser widget icons does not change the loads on the C-BUS network when the Wiser is like this. This config used to work.

    I have recently transferred a bunch of schedules to the wiser (which previously ran on a PAC) so thought these could have caused the issue .. but I've since taken them out of the config again.

    1. Can anyone suggest what might be causing this and what I could try to resolve this.

    2. Is there something in particular that I should be looking for in the logs to try and debug this further?
    jamesng, Nov 30, 2009
  2. jamesng

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    This is actually the version of the Flash UI, not the Wiser firmware.. to check the Wiser firmware version, go to the Tools page and then to the System Utilities (I think that's what it's called... it takes you to the router's configuration interface). Under the "Wiser" tab there you will see the firmware version, which will be something like "Kona_1.10.0".

    The latest release is Kona_1.11 - I'd suggest if you're not already on this version, update to it and see how you go. I had some similar problems a while back, which I think was with 1.10, but all seems fine now with 1.11.

    NickD, Nov 30, 2009
  3. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    Have updated the firmware as you've suggested but unfortunately still the Wiser's unable to connect to the CBUS network.

    Can you suggest anything else to try?
    jamesng, Nov 30, 2009
  4. jamesng


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi James,

    The redline on the UI's C-Bus icon indicates that it does not have a C-Bus connection. Is it an intermittent error as you mentioned above (ie: started dropping) meaning that the Wiser establishes a C-Bus connection fine at startup and then stops working or is it that it does not work at all. If it is the intermittent case, then that would be very unusual. If it is the never-works case, then that is good in a way, as I see that often. The most common cause of that is a mismatch between what the setup is expected to be and what it actually is. It should be relatively easy to diagnose and rectify.

    Here's what I would check:
    a) What does the project config on the Wiser report back as its configured CNI? This can be checked from the Wiser status tab http://wiserip/index_i.htm. You should see something like:
    Firmware Version Kona_1.11.0
    Project Size 348636 / 524272 : 66 percent full
    Project Information Office Setup2
    CNI Information
    User Interface Version CBC - 3.7.0,UI - 3.9.0

    I would then verify that the CNI is at the right address. This can be done by connecting via the web to (in the eg above). It should then say something like:
    Network status: Client connected since > 24 hours ago

    I would then verify that nothing else is connecting to that CNI by turning off the wiser and then ensuring that the CNI says:
    Network status: Ready for client connection

    Hope that helps.

    kjayakumar, Nov 30, 2009
  5. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    I've just tried as you suggested...

    With the wiser not running or running and the flash interface loaded in a web browser, the wiser doesn't connect to the CNI and the status remains at "Ready for client connection"

    The Properties tab of the Project Details window does have the IP address and CNI port set to (which matches these details)

    Here's what I get when I go to the IP address of the CNI

    Description: CNI Mk 2
    Project: JAMES
    Part name: WNETCNI
    C-Bus status: Ready for client connection
    Network voltage: 29.4V, measured 0 seconds ago
    IP Address:
    TCP Port: 10001
    Unit Address: 9
    MAC Address: [xxxx]
    Serial Number: [xxxx]
    C-Bus Firmware: 5.3.00
    Ethernet Firmware: 1.0.0
    Hardware variant: Inline
    jamesng, Nov 30, 2009
  6. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    Further to my last post...

    I just re-downloaded my Wiser project from PICED.

    The CNI now has a connection to Wiser

    Description: CNI Mk 2
    Part name: WNETCNI
    C-Bus status: Client connected from
    since 1 minute ago

    However, this morning, a few hours later, Wiser is again not connected to the CNI and going directly to the IP address of the CNI reports that it's "Ready for client connection" (the same as my previous post).

    Do any of the logs provide debug info about the connection between WISER and CNI?

    Is there anything else I should be looking at?
    jamesng, Nov 30, 2009
  7. jamesng


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Is the Wiser connected directly to the CNI, using the busbar? I would verify that the physical setup is solid. I would additionally check that when in the state that the CNI does not have a client, test from the Wiser's side (eg: plugging a laptop on the Wiser's switch or using the Wiser's web UI Administration->Diagnostics ping) whether it can ping the CNI reliably. I would connect to the UI and check that the Wiser is still active. A normal Wiser will permanently keep attempting to re-establish its CNI connection if it was dropping so the observation that it was disconnected suggests that something else is going on. Unfortunately, there is no logging capability on the Wiser-CNI connection.

    You mentioned that this setup was working fine before, I'm stumped as to what could suddenly cause this behaviour.

    kjayakumar, Dec 1, 2009
  8. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    Yes the Wiser is connected to the CNI using the busbar

    The CNI reports that it does not have a client yet I am able to PING it from the Wiser's Diagnostics page. I also able to ping the CNI from my desktop

    The Wiser UI has always been active / us accessible from the browser UI

    The CNI has always available via toolkit

    It's got me stumped too .. the wiser had been working reliable for months (I add it to the network in April). Recently I imported some scenes from the PAC to the Wiser - could this have corrupted the PICED project?

    Short of restoring to factory defaults and reconfiguring the wiser from scratch is there anything else I should try / look for?
    jamesng, Dec 1, 2009
  9. jamesng


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Importing scenes is fine, it shouldn't be able to corrupt the PICED project or the Wiser project. Just to confirm, which version of PICED are you using? Wiser Firmware 1.11.0 was released with PICED 4.7.1.

    I don't think you should restore factory defaults or reconfigure the Wiser as I would not expect that to solve the observed problem.

    Just one other thing to check, when you use toolkit, are you connecting directly to the CNI? Typically, we connect toolkit to the Wiser rather than the CNI directly. That is, if your CNI is on port 10001, then you can use it transparently through the Wiser, by connecting toolkit to wiserip:10001. I would do the following test:

    a) reboot Wiser, reboot CNI
    b) wait 3 mins
    c) connect to UI, verify that UI works, has C-Bus connectivity
    d) connect toolkit to Wiser, verify that works correctly
    e) close toolkit and any other applications that may try to access the CNI. wait 2 mins
    f) verify that UI still works

    This just checks that things are solid at least at the start. I would repeat part c, every hour or so to determine if the failure is reproducible every time and whether it is related in someway to the amount of time the unit is active.
    kjayakumar, Dec 1, 2009
  10. jamesng


    Jun 6, 2005
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    I downloaded the latest version of PICED and Toolkit yesterday (so 4.7.2)

    I have a second CNI (DIN Rail mount) on the network here which Toolkit is using to establish a connection to the CBUS network.

    Will run the test this afternoon and let you know how I go

    Thanks again for your help

    jamesng, Dec 1, 2009
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