Wiser connection Over Internet will be affected by this

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by Colin, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Colin

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hi Guys just a quick post for those of you who use wiser and have customers on Internodes ADSL which is a National provider.

    Today Internode posted this update.

    Dear Internode Customer,

    In April 2006, Internode released a "Network Firewall" feature (at the time, we called it a "network port filter") to help customers avoid common virus and spam issues.

    This works by blocking a number of common transmission paths for potentially harmful network viruses and spam messages within our network, before they can reach your Internet connection.

    In late February/early March 2010, we will be progressively updating the network firewall to provide increased protection against some newly emerging Internet security issues.

    The information that follows is somewhat technical in nature.

    If you are unsure what this all means to you, chances are that you don't need to worry or make any changes at all, simply enjoy the extra security and keep using your Internode Internet service as normal.

    *** What is changing?

    - Protection for some additional 'network ports' will be added to the existing Internode network firewall settings.
    - For most customers this will not affect your Internet experience at all, apart from adding additional security to your service.

    Further details on these changes can be found in our network firewall FAQ:


    *** What is not changing?

    - The Network Firewall is on by default for Home and Easy Broadband services, and off by default for SOHO and Business services.
    - If you've previously enabled or disabled the port filter, your existing setting will be maintained.

    *** When is it changing?

    The changes will be made progressively starting in late February.

    Exact dates and times will be posted in the next few weeks on our Advisories page at:


    *** How to turn the Network Firewall off (or on)?

    To disable or enable the firewall settings, login to My Internode and select "Network Firewall settings" (in the "My Services" column), or visit:


    *** Technical Information and exactly what this change will affect

    For our technically-minded customers, here's the detail:

    We are adding the following additional ports to the Network Firewall.

    Note: These ports will only be blocked in the inbound (downstream, Internet to you) direction, not outbound (upstream, you to Internet)

    80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 22 (SSH), 23 (TELNET) , 8080 (HTTP PROXY), and 3128 (HTTP PROXY)

    Customers who have selected the 'Off' setting (which is the default for SOHO and BUSINESS customers), will not be affected by this change unless they elect to turn the Network Firewall feature on for their connection.

    This change will affect ADSL, NodeMobile Data, Wireless DSL, Fibre to the Home and Dialup customers who are running Internet servers such as websites (HTTP/HTTPS) or remote access (SSH/Telnet) on HOME or EASY services.

    If you are running any of these services, and you have not previously disabled the network firewall, then you should disable it as noted above before these changes come into effect.

    Please note:
    - the default firewall setting for HOME and EASY services is ON.
    - the default firewall setting for SOHO and BUSINESS services is OFF.

    *** For further assistance or for more information:

    View the Internode Network Firewall FAQ: http://www.internode.on.net/support/security/network_firewall/

    Contact Internode Support: http://www.internode.on.net/contact/support/

    Kind Regards,

    The Internode Team

    Ports 80 and Ports 8080 being blocked will affect access to Wiser. For the network savvy their ways around this, but best that you follow the advice by internodes and turn of this feature if you want to gain remote access to wiser.
    Colin, Feb 10, 2010
  2. Colin

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Thanks for posting that. I received the advisory yesterday and did not even think of wiser.

    I have to say i'm pretty unimpressed - The Node has been a highly reliable, reputable ISP (never the cheapest), and until now I've had no reason to criticise them.

    I'm not using wiser but I do have port 80 forwarded off a router for other purposes, so was pretty grumpy at being told they will block it unless you turn off ALL of their "firewall" protection system. (Seems like you can't selectively undo the parts that will cause the most trouble.)

    Unfortunately, this will lead to a stack of calls to those who have sold Wiser into a job, because the account owner will be getting the emails from Internode, and a great many won't understand the implications. Then, one day, things will stop working. GRRR. :mad:
    ashleigh, Feb 10, 2010
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