Wiser 1 5200PG Problems

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by mqguy, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. mqguy


    Feb 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    New Zealand
    We bought a house a couple of years ago and it came with a working Wiser/C-BUS installation. This has worked (sort of) for the last couple of years although it does seem to require frequent (weekly) reboots.

    However, this morning we woke up to the front of the Wiser box flashing madly. All the lights go off, then it flashes a few of them, then we get a chasing light across the LAN ports ....and then it does it all again. Endlessly. No amount of reboots and switching off/on seems to settle it down.

    Firstly does anyone know what this means ? Secondly since this has been a truly unreliable box anyway does anyone know where we should go to get a new one. We are based in New Zealand and everything on-line seems to point to Australia only. It also seems to imply you can't just buy a box you have to get someone in to install it. And lastly would we be better of getting a Wiser 2 this time. The impression I get from this forum is that it is more reliable although sadly it doesn't have Wi-Fi built in so you can't talk to it directly. I assume though that the programming of the two machines is identical - at least any programming that was done on the Wiser 1 machine would be transferable to the Wiser 2.

    I appreciate any advice.
    mqguy, Feb 27, 2018
  2. mqguy

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I'm sorry to hear that it hasn't been reliable for you.... I had one for years and it was generally pretty stable. I know other experienced integrators here who have similar experience to mine, so I know it can be made to work reliably.

    Having said that.. it does sound like something is seriously wrong with yours, and the few people I've asked around here who have experience can't offer any suggestions other than to try tech support (0800 652 999 in NZ). It sounds like it's constantly resetting, which would suggest corruption of some sort. Can you ping it? Can you connect to the router admin page?

    If you need a replacement, unless you can find one secondhand, you probably won't find an original Wiser as it was replaced by the Wiser2 several years ago now. You shouldn't have to buy it from Australia, and if you're tech-savvy you can probably manage it yourself, and there are usually people here willing to answer questions if you get stuck. You might however find if you contact a local C-Bus system integrator they may be able to resurrect your unit or at least help you out with the replacement.

    As for the Wiser2.. it does have WiFi but it's not an access point... just a client for your WLAN. You can connect directly for some configuration using a USB keyboard/mouse and the HDMI. Personally I use the wired ethernet and power it via PoE.

    NickD, Feb 28, 2018
  3. mqguy


    Feb 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    New Zealand
    Thank-you for your reply. So, am I right in thinking that I can just replace a Wiser 1 with a Wiser 2 ? That might be the best option anyway if I can since from what I hear it sounds a lot more reliable.
    mqguy, Feb 28, 2018
  4. mqguy

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Unfortunately it's not a direct replacement in the sense that the project would have to be recreated. If you were using the Wiser as your WiFi access point and/or edge router then obviously you have some other network infrastructure changes to sort out. If it was just a client device on your LAN then it's a relatively simple matter to do the replacement.

    The software tools to do the project are free, but if you don't have the original project files then there may be a bit of work to do to reverse engineer your installation.

    NickD, Feb 28, 2018
  5. mqguy


    Feb 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    New Zealand

    Just wanted to say 'thanks' for your response to my question last month. We managed to source a Wiser 2 box from a local supplier and replacing the Wiser 1 box went pretty smoothly. We didn't have to recreate the project, it was happy to migrate it. For some reason we had to upload the project twice before it would stick but once we'd done that it was fine. We've been running for two weeks now with no issues. Something that we never actually achieved, in the last two years, on the old Wiser 1 box.

    Anyway, thanks again.
    mqguy, Mar 15, 2018
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