Wireless only network and external control

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by znelbok, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. znelbok


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hi all

    I had this question asked of me and I am sure I read the answer here somewhere but I cant find the thread so I am hoping someone can confirm it for me.

    The network consists of a
    Power supply
    Wireless Gateway

    Saturn dimmer

    Very simple.

    Now I need to control it via the PCI from an external program (I don't think it matter what it is, wether its AMX, Crestron or CQC, but its CQC).

    I think I read somewhere that at a minimum a key input is required so the MMI can be produced so that status can be read on the wired network.

    Does the C-bus interface module (like the one used on the Ness M1 alarm) do the same thing, create the MMI.

    Can some one please confirm this, correct me where I have erred and if they know where the original posting was point me to it.


    znelbok, Aug 22, 2009
  2. znelbok

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    You need a wired input unit to initiate the MMI, however in order to actually have the state of a group maintained by the network itself, you need a wired output unit with that group programmed in.

    Assuming the wireless gateway is set up correctly (connect applications, send to adjacent), and your PCI is in the right mode, you will see any lighting messages from your wireless key unit appear out of your PCI.... if you're happy for your software that's hanging off the PCI to handle the modelling of the network state, then you can get away with what you have, however if you want the network to keep track of the group(s) states you will need both an output unit and an input unit on the wired side.

    NickD, Aug 24, 2009
  3. znelbok

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Long and short of it - if you want to run a wired side MMI and get the *right* info, you need at the least a wired side output unit, that *shares the group used on the wireless side*.

    The PCI or interface device is quite capable of initiating the MMI.

    Lets take a step back here.

    1. If you put the gateway into application connect mode, on the wireless side, then wireless messages will get sent from wireless to wired. They will therefore be seen in the wired network.

    2. If you want to receive those messages and do STUFF with them, in the wired side, you can. The trouble you have is only the initial synchronise - how do you find the current state? Thats where the MMI comes in - BUT you can't get the initial state on the wired network using an MMI UNLESS there is something in that network using the same group number.

    3. Of course the other way to get the initial state is to send a remote MMI request to the gateway - because it *does* model the wireless network on power up (and thereafter), and it behaves just like a cbus bridge where you can ask it to do a remote MMI on your behalf and give you the answers.

    Consequently - support routing! Know your network topology! Or better yet , dig deep into what you are really trying to achieve - then the way to do it becomes more apparent.
    ashleigh, Aug 24, 2009
  4. znelbok


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Thanks for the advice.

    I finally found the thread I was looking for


    To answer the question ashleigh asked - "what are you really trying to achieve"

    I need the PCI connected to CQC to keep CQC in sync with the state of the groups on the wireless network, without the need for a hardware unit (other than PCI and P/S) and to be able to send commands to the wireless network.

    I dont think Rohan has enabled the feature to send a request MMI request to bridges (wired or wireless) so it would appear that I need an output unit and key input unit to get MMI's flowing

    Thanks again

    znelbok, Aug 31, 2009
  5. znelbok

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Yeah. Sadly - thats the case. You might be able to use a logic group in an output unit (a bit dodgy but it might work... make sure that group is not enabled for any logical operation). Worth a try. Somebody else here might correct me but I'm pretty sure it will work (for gathering the group state and then reporting it in the MMI).
    ashleigh, Aug 31, 2009
  6. znelbok


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Townsville, Australia
    logic groups will work; they contritibute their states on any MMI status report

    Area group will not work - they never contribute status.
    Don, Sep 1, 2009
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