Hi all I had this question asked of me and I am sure I read the answer here somewhere but I cant find the thread so I am hoping someone can confirm it for me. The network consists of a Wired PCI Power supply Wireless Gateway Wireless Saturn dimmer Very simple. Now I need to control it via the PCI from an external program (I don't think it matter what it is, wether its AMX, Crestron or CQC, but its CQC). I think I read somewhere that at a minimum a key input is required so the MMI can be produced so that status can be read on the wired network. Does the C-bus interface module (like the one used on the Ness M1 alarm) do the same thing, create the MMI. Can some one please confirm this, correct me where I have erred and if they know where the original posting was point me to it. Thanks Mick