Upgrading Cbus1 to Cbus2

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Chatz, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Chatz


    Apr 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I had Cbus1 installed in 1999 controlled by a Minder. It still runs well.
    It was installed by an electrician relative who has now retired.

    I have started to upgrade it by:

    removing the Minder and replacing with a CNI
    replacing some of the switches with DLT and Saturn switches.
    It still works well.

    I would now like to change over the 4 load relays and dimmers to the newer Din modules.

    I have bought a couple of universal dimmers off ebay (4 load to make the changeover simpler) and I was hoping the electrician could do a straight swap. My son has done the C-bus course so can do the programming.

    Are there any issues mixing Cbus1 and Cbus2 relays/dimmers or will I have to change all of them at once.
    Also, will a "plain" electrician be able to do the changeover or are there issues that will require a C-bus trained electrician.
    Chatz, Nov 17, 2012
  2. Chatz

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    You can mix C-Bus 1 and C-Bus 2 units.

    It's not a good idea to use dimmers where you want real proper switching relay channels, because the dimmers (like all dimmers) have a small off-state leakage current, and when fully on do no conduct 100% of the AC mains waveform. Some loads don't like that.

    If you have a convenient relative or other victim to do programming, than pretty much any electrician should be able to change out the mains-parts. However, its a good idea to ask them when you call them up to see if they are comfortable doing so. Bear in mind that the old-box -> DIN will mean new switchboards, or some fairly big changes inside existing switchboard so there is a bit of mechanical chop-and-play, which most sparkies should be quite happy to do - they just need to know up front that they will be doing this.
    ashleigh, Nov 18, 2012
  3. Chatz


    Apr 22, 2005
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    Thanks Ashleigh,

    the relays and dimmers are scattered around the roofspace. There is plenty of room up there (11 feet from ceiling to ridge). I had insulation installed under the galv iron roof when it was replaced recently and also 2 temperature activated Maestro roof power vents to keep the temperature down. I presume the sparky will install each dimmer or relay into its own DIN enclosure.

    I take your point on the dimmers so I will replace like with like, the 5104D750 dimmers with L5504D2U (universal instead of leading edge) and the 5504RDP relays with L5508RVF. I might take the opportunity to use the extra relays for additional lights. While I have the electrician there, I might as well get it all done.
    Chatz, Nov 18, 2012
  4. Chatz

    Ashley W

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Just curious as to why you feel the need to replace the dimmers and relays? You will get no benefit except for a newer unit from changing them over and in some ways the older units, especially if mounted in the roof space like yours (and mine for that matter) are far better.

    The switches I can fully understand though.
    Ashley W, Nov 22, 2012
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