TV power control automation with c-bus

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thickglass, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. thickglass


    Oct 6, 2016
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    Los-Angeles CA US
    Hi guys, I'm runnung a small gun store, we have 3 TVs on free walls of the building, there are looped ads going all day, every morning I have to turn off all of them, so I would Like to make this process automatic. We have HDMI modulator, it outputs qam and iptv stream, I thought I could make power dependant on the coax signal - when it goes off - TVs are turning off. Are there any out-of-the-box solitions for this application?
    thickglass, Oct 6, 2016
  2. thickglass


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Yes, but...

    What TV is it? Some TV's have a serial port so you can cotnrol them that way, others have Ethernet and you can turn off (but not on) via an IP command. All have IR.

    If you have a PAC or other C-Bus device you can send a serial command to the TV's, or an command over IP.

    Global Cache make small IR ethernet devices that you can use if IR is the only solution. The PAC wold send the command tot he GC and it would issue the IR command.

    Crude control would be to turn off all the power outlets via a C-Bus relay - this means re-wiring them back to a relay though.

    Plenty of ways to achieve it, just depends on what you have.

    znelbok, Oct 6, 2016
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