Hi there I have a scenario with 3 temperature sensors 5031TS that control 4 actuators (dampers) via a relay unti, but no touch screens or other method of easily controlling the heating for each zone. I have a 4 zone thermostat (5070THPSS) that I thought I'd easily be able to use to control 4 zones but now know the error of my ways as the Temp sensors don't send a temperature. What I want to do is use the Thermostat and sensors to control three actuators (enable/disable from the thermostat them temp control from the sensor), but i also want to use the thermostats own temprature to control the fourth actuator. I havent really started yet as I can see the thermostat combined with the rest of the bus is hugely versatile and I imagine there are several ways to do it, I also have a Pascal Automation controller at my disposal. I thought I could use the thermostat to enable groups than logic in the PACA uses to enable the temperature sensors, maybe having to set the temp of the three external zone to say 5 degrees C to ensure they will come on even if the temp is warmer in the thermostat zone? Have i confused enough? Befoe I plough in does anyone have any thoughts, is this even possible? :confused: