SENPIRSS Question (Firmware 1.2.67)

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Charlie Crackle, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. Charlie Crackle

    Charlie Crackle

    Aug 3, 2004
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    I have a question regarding SENPIRSS functionality

    The Day-time Movement is set to do nothing

    The Night-time Movement is set to turn on a light and retrigger timer

    The Light senor POT is set so the room needs to be pitch black for NIGHT movement. It also means when the light comes on the light from the light put the SENPIRSS in day-movement mode.

    What happens when more movement is detected after the light comes on

    Does the SENPIRSS ignore the light from the light for a time ??

    Does it retrigger the Night-time movment timer or do nothing as the SENPIRSS thinks it is Day time now..

    I think the latter as the timer just seems to expire regardless of the movement.

    Charlie Crackle, Dec 6, 2004
  2. Charlie Crackle


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia

    It all depends, you can set it up to do quite a variety of things. Is the configuration of your SENPIRSS currently set to the defaults?

    The default programming for the SENPIRSS units has the Short Press microfunction on the Day move section set to the RETRIGGER microfunction. In this case any movement that is detected when the ambient light level is above the threshold will re-trigger the currently running timer.

    If you have all the Day Move microfunctions set to IDLE then once the light comes on then the timer will run once and then issue the timer expiry command.

    If you want the timer interval to be reset each time the unit detects movement then you need to have the Day Move microfunction set to RETRIGGER (PIR Day Move key function in the Toolkit software).

    Something else to check is that the Day Move and Night Move functions are both assigned to the same Block.
    Newman, Dec 6, 2004
  3. Charlie Crackle


    Aug 5, 2004
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    I wish I could do nothing

    If I read you right Charlie you say that the Day colum is set to nothing (I assume that by this you mean that the tick hase been taken out of the relevant box?) In this case the PIR, if it can 'see' I's own load (light) will think it is daylight and therefore not retrigger. You will see that in the default settings that the day command is RETIGGER which means it will react if it detects movment when it is light (daytime or load light and depending on setting of the light level pot) only if the timer has already been triggered by the PIR detecting movement when it is dark. So normally it is dark the PIR detects movement turns on the light the PIR see's the light but is retriggered by any movement by the commands in the Day colum. Back in the day when the only PIR's Clipsal did were the mains powered 750WPR we had a site where the customer complained that the PIR would work normally at night but in the morning it would keep the light on until 9 or 10. What it turned out to be was: early morning when it was still dark they let out their dog (Border collie/Kelpie cross) to run around the yard it would trigger the light as it was dark and just keep running about (at least make sufficient movement at least within the 3 minuite time out period) and therfore re triggered the timer. It would do this for a couple of hours and because the PIR timer never got a chance to time out it would continue to retrigger. Once the little bastard got tired the timer would time out and any subsiquent movement would be ignored this would happen at slightly different times each day and therefore the apparent random turn off of the lights.
    UncleDick, Dec 6, 2004
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