Thought it might be worthwhile asking what my options are to achieve the following: I have an RGB LED light that is controlled by a cbus analogue controller - Red is channel 1, Green ch 2 and Blue ch 3. Power is supplied through a 24v DC transformer which is switched through a standard cbus relay. The 5 lines feed into a LED controller and then to the load. I want a 'scene' where the light will cycle through various colours until switched off. 1. My assumption is that I have to use code to do so? 2. I dummied up some code: if GetLightingLevel("RGB Colour Cycle") = 100% then begin SetLightingLevel("RGB 24vPS", 100%); SetLightingLevel("RGB Red", 100%); SetLightingLevel("RGB Green", 0%); SetLightingLevel("RGB Blue", 0%); SetLightingLevel("RGB Red", 0%, ?60s?); SetLightingLevel("RGB Green", 100%, ?60s?); Delay("0:01:01"); ......and so on through the states (6 in total) I haven't written any cbus piced code before so wanted to check that I was on the right track. One concern I have is that if the 'colour cycle' group is switched off mid routine will the rountine continue (because of the delays)? Any tips appreciated. :)