RF to IP / CBus - Control Blind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by impact, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    I have a projection screen, its mains powered. It has a receiver unit on the 240v line with touch switches to go up down stop etc.

    It comes with a remote with a similar set of functions. Unfortunately the remote is RF not IR... I have played with my cubs and IP2IR gadgets successfully in being able to send a string of characters to an IP address and it simulates the IR control. However I am not knowing of a similar RF type gadget ?

    If something exists and you can point me in the correct direction it would be great. I would also need some sort of logger / receiver to determine the RF command it is sending too - so I can simulate it. Of course I am guessing its not as easy as all this, or more difficult than IR - as everything I seem to do turns out that way !!!

    Yes - I could break open the control box and rewire those switches onto relays, but the location of the box would be too inconvenient to run additional wires or cbus to...

    My only alternative is to break open the remote, power it by DC plug pack and modify its switches, hide that away into the cupboard and be done with... But I am hoping for a more elegant solution. (A new screen or controller comes to mind)

    impact, Nov 28, 2012
  2. impact


    Jun 13, 2007
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    Hi Impact,

    I think you are going to find you'll be breaking into either the control box or the RF control!!

    If it is on a public accessible unlicensed frequency band rather than a licensed frequency band you might have a chance of finding a 'generic' transmitter and utility products (RF sniffer etc) to do what you want.

    If it was me I would:

    1. If it is locally supported, go to the maker and ask for assistance. They may tell you the OEM (maker) of their generic RF controller and you can then see what other RF controller transmitters they make. Might be an IP/barebones one?


    2. Just buy a replacement remote control for it and use one for the automation system, one for normal remote control.

    then do as you suggest, break open the normal remote control (or the receiver box - whichever is easier) and use a two channel c-Bus relay to control it.

    The other RF sniffer etc concept IMHO would take too long, cost too much in required parts/tools and the c-Bus relay idea is low cost and ready to go.

    Kind Regards,

    bmerrick, Nov 28, 2012
  3. impact


    Dec 1, 2005
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    Adelaide, Australia
    Just bite the bullet, cut off the control box and replace with a CBus shutter relay. Much neater and 100% reliable. You can then program it to drop to exactly the right height for whatever aspect ratio you are watching.
    Ashley, Nov 28, 2012
  4. impact


    Jun 13, 2007
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    Sounds like the neatest way so far.
    bmerrick, Nov 28, 2012
  5. impact


    Aug 4, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia
    Do you know what brand the control/motor is? Somfy?
    Conformist, Nov 28, 2012
  6. impact


    Aug 3, 2004
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    A lot of screen that I have seen will offer an "automation" option. This will allow external systems to control the screen.

    Often the projector is the controller, with a 12V output energising when the projector is turned on and then that is used [as a command] to power the screen down.

    First step is to always check with the supplier to wee what options they have (preferably before you buy).

    As above, what is the brand?

    znelbok, Nov 29, 2012
  7. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    No its not a comfy - that would be too easy. No markings easily visible of the manufacturer, I will have to go through my records of four or five years ago to find the supplier and make contact. I'd say its some chinese clone or something.

    I considered chopping off the control box and hooking it to a cubs relay - however its not that neat... The screen is on a wall 5m - 10m from the nearest cubs network, difficult to run a cubs or other cable neatly - but will consider the option...

    One of these days, a project to commence... (think the wife would prefer the laundry finished first, or the back garden, or....)

    impact, Nov 30, 2012
  8. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    Thanks for the sound advice guys... Just to complete things - I'll tell you the outcome...

    The projection screen is some chinese clone... where I bought it from seems to have disappeared...

    Now of course I worry - if my remote ever dies or get chewed by the dog - Im going to struggle further....

    So on another home improvement, Im about to put in some automated blinds, when the house renovation was done, I wired around the house to include control of the blinds - but I was basing it upon using 12/24v and intended to use these things mentioned in the forums years ago from a guy off bell street preston - not checked - but he certainly no longer advertises them - so not sure if they or he is still around. (They were a motor with grip for pulling / rotating cord for drapes - with an IR interface - and also cubs compatible by shortening out 2 contacts on a relay - .5 sec to open / 1 sec to close - worked well - but a bit noisy).

    So bite the bullet last week and ordered roller blinds for a couple of rooms - and getting somfry motors (why - well branded - dog eats remote - I can replace it). Going with the cordless ones - 24v - runs on batteries - suppose to last a couple of years on 1 set of batteries - yeh! Right !

    They should arrive next week. The intention is to use my existing wiring for the low voltage to power these motors and not the battery wands. Hey - I might even power these from a larger battery and solar cell - just to get off the grid !

    So these are controlled by the RTS (RF Remotes) and I have read the old posts here on blind control and some having difficulty in interfacing to cbus.

    Thought what the heck - I might as well get the Sofry RS232 controller - expensive here in aus.. but finally found a place in florida that ships to australia for a reasonable postage cost - so paypal just told me it was $475aus.

    I might try using an IP to RS232 converter and write the controls in my PAC that way instead of having a cable come out of my equipment for rs232 - just a choice thing - tidy...

    So back to the original story... Solved it now - The motor in my projector screen being chinese of course, just so happens to be the standard dimensions - so next year after I recover from these purchases - I am just going to replace that motor with a 240v somfry motor on RTS... By then I would have the RTS controller up and running on cbus - and shall have the final solution... All will be happy.

    So just wanted to thank you guys, as your comments led me down the analytical path given me what I think is a good / best solution

    impact, Dec 7, 2012
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