Hi! I need to install a new C-Touch Colour, but It`s seem that C-Touch isn`t working well. When I connect power supply to C-Touch, the following happens: -The screen is allways off, except of a short (less than a second) instant that it seems it light a little. Its happen periodically. -The speaker emits a sound like "Tak-Tak", always periodically with a period of 5 second aproximately. -The green and yellow ethernet conector lights periodically also. When I conect C-Touch to C-Bus it is recognized by Toolkit and I readressed Group Adress fron 255 to 250, so I suppouse that this part is working fine, but the previous things happens. If I press the button in the front pannel C-Touch seem to reset but after that nothing differente happens. When I connect C-Touch ethernet to my laptop with a crossover cable and try to download a program with PICED , and try to connect to C-Touch PICED shows me a IP Address that I must accept pressing in the C-Touch screen but C-Touch screen dont show me anithing.:( I dont know if I`m doing something wrong or is there another problem with C-Touch. I will be glad to hear any suggestion. Regards Daniel