Pool LED Colour Control - Need to repeat On/Off Sequence

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by glusty, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. glusty


    Apr 19, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Is there any way to repeat an On/Off sequence for a single group? To set the colour of my pool LED lights I need to set a sequence of Off/On/Off/On (hold for x sec) /Off.

    I can obviously use pulse settings but that's a one-time thing and I need to be able to start another pulse after the first one finishes. I've tried scenes and triggers, etc but it seems everything happens simultaneously rather than sequentially. Any suggestions?
    glusty, Jun 26, 2015
  2. glusty

    Brendan Rogers

    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Home Automation logic engines - C-Bus.

    Hi Glutsy,

    You may use logic to achieve the sequenced behaviour that you want. You need one of the many C-Bus home automation devices that include a logic engine, and then need to write a little bit of code. Devices that may include the logic engine include C-Bus home automation touch screen controllers, PAC, and Wiser 1 and Wiser 2.

    There is a Logic manual that comes with the free PICED software to help you with writing the small amount of code you need. Remember when using Delay instructions to place theses in there own dedicated module so that their delay does not affect any other logic you may want to run simultaneously.
    Brendan Rogers, Jun 27, 2015
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