New firmware for NAC / SHAC / AC2 / NAC2

Discussion in 'C-Bus Automation Controllers' started by Colin, Jun 11, 2022.

  1. Colin

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    1. Features V1.11.0 vs V1.10.0
    Restructuring of the Error reporting application (Be Aware those who previously used error application here there be breaking changes)

    • Creation of Error object based on the Error object types – Device Error, Network Error, Project Error.
    • Under the Device Error creation, user can create the error objects for Unit Error, Channel Error, Channel Aggregate Error, Line A Error, and Line B Error based on the device type selection.
    • Ability to create Labels (tags) for Device Ids and Channels
    • Each Error object can store properties for both Most Severe Error and Most Recent Error. No need of creating two different objects.
    • Checkbox selection to make Channel Aggregate Error as Native Error.
    • Each Error object will have a Set Value option for Acknowledge most severe, Acknowledge most recent and Clear in Objects tab.
    • Ability to create Visualization elements for Most Severe Error and Most Recent Error for each Error object.
    • Each Error Visualization element can be monitored for Severity, Error and Ack status in PC/Tablet Visualization and Smartphone Visualization.
    • Option to Acknowledge Most Severe and Clear on right click of Most Severe Error element.
    • Option to Acknowledge Most Recent on right click of Most Recent Error element.
    • Software can Sync Tag map and make object Creation for Error Application.
    • EBO shows values (Severity, Error, and Ack Status for both Most Severe and Most Recent) for each
    • Error object in encoded format.
    • Support added for Acknowledge Most Severe, Acknowledge Most Recent, and Clear from EBO.
    Other Features/Enhancements
    • Ability to create Labels (tags) for Channel Ids for Measurement Application objects.
    • Software can Sync Tag map and make object Creation for Measurement Application.
    • While creating a new object, the user needs to select first Application from the dropdown box and then select Network.
    NOTE: If you are using Error reporting Application and Measurement Application along with other applications in the device, you will not be able to retain Error object configuration with new firmware. Please refer to the dedicated document “GEX5618200_C-Bus Error Reporting Application Note” for a detailed explanation. follow the below steps for firmware upgrade:
    If you do not have the Error reporting configuration, you can ignore the step no.2 and step no.4. If you do not have the Measurement configuration, you can ignore the step no.5.
    1. Backup your Project (for safekeeping if need to revert for any reason).
    2. Before Upgrading firmware – Delete all the Error objects from the Objects tab and all tags under Error (206) application from the Tag map tab.
    3. Upgrade your Firmware
    4. Re-create all the Error objects with the tags.
    5. Create tag/label for the channel under Measurement application in Tag map tab.

    Features added for security
    • Force a user to change default password very first time when they login to Configurator
    • Login lockout feature added for HTTP/HTTPS (Ethernet interface), FTP, and SSH.
    • Updated version needed for BusyBox suite.
    Bug fixes
    • Bug on not issuing the indicator kill when groups in the scene don't match is fixed.
    • Issue of disappeared trends is fixed.
    • In NTP (clock synchronization) window, changed Client Status to Disabled by default.
    • Note: Project file backed up from Latest version, after FW Downgrade to previous version will not be restored. (So, User must ensure to take project backup of old Firmware, while doing FW updates).
    Colin, Jun 11, 2022
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