Multiple Networks Connect Via Cni

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BigBoyVn, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. BigBoyVn


    Aug 3, 2008
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    I am working on a high building project:
    + I devide each floor into 2 networks (1 for puplic lighting and 1 for office lighting).
    + Then I connect three floors to a CNI to central PC, the building is 30floors so total 10 CNIs are used.
    + These CNIs are connected to a HUB and connected to PC.

    Please refer the attached image. In this image Net19 and Net23 connect to Net21.

    Please help me with these questions:
    1. Can the PC with Schedule plus software connect to every network.

    2. If the area controller is key input, can I control the lighting in office network.

    3. Can program for every network in the image by connect PC to CNI unit.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,

    Attached Files:

    • ask.JPG
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      39.6 KB
    BigBoyVn, Oct 21, 2008
  2. BigBoyVn


    Sep 14, 2006
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    hi there for there answer

    1. yes you can do it.. but make sure to buy the schedule plus license that can use for many network.. maybe u can get the unlimited network license..

    2. as i know the key input doesn't have the function to control through other network.. except you have logic unit there like PACA.. for other option to control through other network, maybe u can use touch screen

    3. sure u can..

    zip_cool, Oct 21, 2008
  3. BigBoyVn


    Feb 4, 2008
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    UK - London
    is right about Q1+3
    Q2 Yes the area controller can control things on the other network without logice but you need to be careful how you do it.

    Do you HAVE to use this network topology???? It would be better to have each floor on it's own network using a standard backbone topology and then you could split the public and office lights up via application addresses. You also us just one CNI if you are going to use all the network bridges or vice versa use just CNI's instead of bridges (there not much cost difference between the units and CNI are faster for comms!!!!) Thou the wiring will be a little different. By having networks hanging off other networks it slows the comms right down becasue for the PC to talk to the Net20 it has to go via CNI > Bridge > Network 19 > Bridge > Network 20.
    If this is a new install you are creating comms issues for urself in the future on a job this size TRUST ME!!!!!!!! If it's existing then you can only work with what you've got!!!

    There are many different ways and reasons for using/desiging C-Bus networks and when you start do these large style projects you need to understand what the implications of doing it a certin way are, otherwise the job can turn into a nightmare. What might look good on paper might never work in the real world.

    Just my 2cents
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2008
    ______., Oct 21, 2008
  4. BigBoyVn


    Aug 3, 2008
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    When started this project I saw that each floor quite large(60m x 40m), and also devided into 7 office rooms + public area. So I devide it into 2 networks.
    Now I think one network for each floor is OK. And as your advisement I will connect them using CNI blackbone.

    Due to the height of the buiding (about 300m), I will connect the CNIs as follow, please give me some advisement:

    Option 1: Each 7 CNIs will connect to a HUB, then using a convertor to transfer signal by optic cable and then convert again before go to central PC.

    Option 2: Using converter for every CNIs, then optic cables are connected to a hub, then convert again before go to central PC.

    Would you please tell me more about this?


    Your answer did help me very much. Thanks so much for your sharing!
    BigBoyVn, Oct 23, 2008
  5. BigBoyVn


    Feb 4, 2008
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    UK - London
    The only time you HAVE to add a network is if you have more the 100 devices on the network or it's more then 1km of cable.

    You could first try talking to the building IT guys and see if you can use their ethernet network. They could put you one your own address/subnet range and then just connect into where ever they have the ethernet hubs. Mind you some IT guys won't like doing this.
    Rememebr that the CNI are designed to connect to an ethernet network not to the PC as such. So your CNI will connect to a hub/switch as will your PC.

    As far as which option to go for you might need to use a mix depending on where things are located. An ethernet signal can only rum 100metres. So if your CNI is located more then 100m from the hub or from hub to hub it will need to be fibre optics.
    ______., Oct 23, 2008
  6. BigBoyVn


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Brisbane, Australia
    It amazes me that someone can win a job of this size with little or no knowledge and / or experience in this area :confused: :confused: :confused:

    I wish the building owner the best of luck...
    PSC, Oct 23, 2008
  7. BigBoyVn


    Aug 3, 2008
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    Yes! Understood! Thank you very much! I will review it all.
    I know about 100units and 1km. But it's large size make me confused at firts sight.

    :confused: :confused: :confused: I worked with small projects before. I got this project drawing which designed with EIB from my friend in a construction company. And I try to design myself using C-BUS. By this way I think I can learn a lot about C-BUS from you because I have "little or no knowledge and / or experience in this".

    As far as I know, all the case study of large project are very old, the newest is 2002 or 2004. So what acctually C-BUS have been going on now?

    I'm sorry if my hasty questions make you annoyed.

    Finally, I hope to learn from all of you!
    Thank you very much for your answers and comments!
    BigBoyVn, Oct 24, 2008
  8. BigBoyVn

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2008
    ashleigh, Oct 24, 2008
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