First off I would like to say thanks for looking into this issue. And secondly has anyone done this yet? I have been recommended two different parts to convert the speaker output from the ELK M1GOLD alarm system (Russound ADP 1.2 or Channel Plus A0302) to line level audio. Currently the high broadcast input of the Clipsal matrix switcher is being used by the ElanZ600 and the doorbell volume has been tweaked to perfect volume for the client. After speaking to Elan,ELK,and Clipsal tech support I have 3 issues that have been raised. First was by Elan because I will be using a Y RCA adapter to allow both audio sources to be connected to the Clipsal Matrix switcher's high broadcast imput. The issue is of possiable electrical feedback to either audio source through the Y RCA adapter. Elan said I should build a isolation circuit to prevent possiable feedback. And ideas on how to build a isolation circuit that would be in place of the Y RCA adapter allowing 2 imputs to be isolated from each other and yet share 1 output? Or does this already exsist? Second issue was rasied by Clipsal. I may need a way to adust the line level output from the alarm panel so that it is not way to loud or quiet because the Clipsal matrix switcher adjustments are set for the doorbell volume. Now this may be ok and I will not know till equipment is installed and tested. However I would like to have taken all suggestions into account to be ready to handle any issues. Third issue was raised by ELK. They were concerned that I may drop below 4 ohms on the speaker output since I will also be using a outside speaker and 4 addtional inside speakers on speaker output 1 of the ELK M1 Gold panel. They wanted to know what the impeadance of the speaker to line level was and so far I have not got that info from either Russound or Channel Plus. I could use the speaker output 2 for the alarm speakers however I belive I will only have a generic Fire/Burgular message and lose the zone specfic descripters..gas detector...carbon monoxide...etc...