IR in amplifiers

Discussion in 'Multi-Room Audio (MRA) and MARPA' started by nickrusanov, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. nickrusanov


    Aug 5, 2004
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    IR inputs in C-Bus MR Amps: what can it do?

    In installation manual is written it could control sources through Matrix switcher IR outs. Using 8050TT or 8050ST IR targets. How does it work?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2006
    nickrusanov, Aug 4, 2006
  2. nickrusanov


    Sep 24, 2004
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    Henley Beach
    The IR targets are widebandwidth receivers that connect to the MRA amplifiers. The IR signal picked up by these tartgets is then routed, with no processing, back to the Matrix Switcher or Distribution unit via the Digital Audio Cable. This signal is then logical or'd with the signals from the NIRT to drive the IR LEDs. Minimal processing is done on the signal in an attempt to provide maximal bandwidth. All this means that you can use your third party IR rempte controls to control the original source equipment.

    Limitations to this system are:
    1. All the reticulated IR signals are logical or'd together back at the matrix switcher - concurrent signals will clash with consequent message errors.
    2. The inbuilt NIRT in the matrix switcher has priority over the reticulated IR and if it is requested to transmit, it will cut off the reticulated IR signals.
    3. The wide bandwidth IR receivers are susceptible to noise pickup and may need to be carefully positioned to work effectively.

    RatDeSewer, Aug 7, 2006
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