daniel submitted a new resource: [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/dynamic-labelling-technology.14/][plain]Dynamic Labelling Technology[/plain][/url] - [plain]Dynamic Labelling Technology[/plain] [quote][B]About DLT Units[/B] DLT Units ( Dynamic Labelling Technology ) contain a graphical display screen which can display a Label in association with each key on the unit. Labels can be a text string, pictographic symbols or a bitmap graphic. A quick note about the term “key”. It’s important to clarify that we generally use “key” in reference to C-Bus input keys. In certain C-Bus units these aren’t always synonymous with physical keys, and this is the case with DLT Units. The DLT product...[/quote] [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/dynamic-labelling-technology.14/]Read more about this resource...[/url]