DMX Gateway help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paulypaul, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. Paulypaul


    Apr 28, 2018
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    knowledge and experience!!

    I have been asked by a friend if I can help with his lighting problem. He has LED strip lights (that arnt working) controlled by a Saturn LCD controller which is sat on a C-bus network with input and output modules. A DMX Gateway controls 4 x Lutron relays. I'm pretty new to this setup and would appreciate any help.
    Input modules show inputs active with green led lights.
    Output modules show active with orange lights.
    C-bus status led is steady orange which I assume is ok. ( can't find literature on led lights)

    The DMX Gateway has a flashing orange and blue DMX led, what does this indicate please?

    DMX voltage to Lutron on network is 2.1v I would assume this could possibly be a carrier voltage and all relays have tested good but are not switching when Saturn LCD commands it.

    I have looked at DMX Gateway tech sheets but it doesn't mention the led light or network voltage.

    Thank you in advance.
    Paulypaul, Apr 28, 2018
  2. Paulypaul


    Apr 28, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Appologies, it was ment to say at the start, great forum, full of knowledge and experience
    Paulypaul, Apr 28, 2018
  3. Paulypaul


    Apr 27, 2012
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    Hi Paul,

    First of all Welcome!

    In this I am presuming you are a little familiar with C-Bus in general.

    So just to answer your direct questions first:

    Indicator - yes it is supposed to alternate orange and blue and that just means that it is outputting DMX

    DMX Voltage of 2.1 - This is about right, especially if all the 512 slots are pretty high in the packet.

    DMX is a streaming protocol with 512 'slots' or 'Addresses'. Your devices (relays/LED strip) will need to be addressed to one of those addresses for each parameter you need to control (ie a single relay would be one address, where as an RGB LED strip would be at least 3, one for each colour)

    This is then mapped to your C-Bus group addresses in the gateway. As a start, if you use toolkit to check what is set in the DMX gateway that should give you an idea of what the devices on that bus should be addresses to. Unfortunately I am not sure how you address or check Lutron devices, especially when working with DMX on them.

    If you are able to get your hands on a DMX dongle for your computer or ect, you could very quickly flash out the full 512 addresses and try and find them that way.

    Hopefully this helps a little and if you are in Sydney and do need a hand with it, I have loads of DMX test gear that we could work something out with if needed. Just drop me an email!
    jboer, Apr 28, 2018
    MarkB likes this.
  4. Paulypaul


    Apr 28, 2018
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    Thank you for the reply jboer and thank you for the offer of help. Unfortunately I live in UK and I wished I lived in sydney :)
    I was afraid it might be an addressing issue, I will look at the toolkit software and see what's assigned to what and go from there.
    Really appreciate your feedback again jboer, cheers
    Paulypaul, Apr 28, 2018
    jboer likes this.
  5. Paulypaul

    ben addison

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Hi Paul,

    We are Uk based and may be able to help you.

    Where in the UK are you, or drop me a pm
    ben addison, May 13, 2018
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