Just a quick one peeps its sunday and just trying to get my head around this little prob. I have one button left on a Dlt for controlling somfy blinds via a busline tx. I have set up a case statement to deal with the above on the CTC. up, stop, down, stop via a bell press (secondary application, trigger control) on the Dlt button but would like to reflect the next state on the DLT text. Case = 1 send string 'DOWN' and update DLT to "Blind Stop" Sooooo could you just fill in these blanks and help an old chap out many thanks. SetStringIBSystemIO("Label Action Selector Text", local, trigger control, bed 1 blind enable, _Action_Selector_(WHATS THIS BIT), _Variant_(WHATS THIS BIT?), "THE VISIBLE TEXT ON LCD"); Simmo.