Disable PIR and switch with scene, then enable again with all off

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by jakelanauze, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
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    Dunedin NZ
    Hi All,

    I've been asked to have a look at a job that someone else has installed, and made a bit of a balls up on, anyhow, we want to make the setup a bit smarter and will be installing and eDLT for more pages.

    If i can paint a bit of a picture for you, it is in a bar, you come in the door and there is a sensor above the door (currently not programmed) and a four button saturn (2 buttons programmed all on, all off) then upstairs, a DLT behind the bar controlling scenes and heaters.

    What I want to do is be able to come in the door, have the sensor turn on the stair lights and lights over the bar to see your way up the stairs and into behind the bar, then you could use your scene buttons etc.

    Is it possible to disable the sensor once you start using the scene buttons upstairs and re enable it when you select a master off logic (in dimmers and relays), or alternatively, do away with the sensor, but use the switch in the same way (enabled until you get upstairs and start using eDLT scenes, then re enabled with master off behind the bar).

    The reason behind disabling then sensor would be I wouldn't want the sensor turning the stair lights on and off all night, and if we were to use the switch, it would need to be disabled, as inebriated people have already been playing with it, and are always turning the lights off upstairs.

    As always, any and all help is greatly appreciated.
    jakelanauze, Apr 5, 2014
  2. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dunedin NZ
    No insights then?
    jakelanauze, Apr 29, 2014
  3. jakelanauze


    Nov 22, 2011
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    You should be able to do it either way..

    Sensor option.. In the sensors tabs section that says enable/disable.. Put a new group address in hyperthetically called 'Sensor Disable' and set the checkbox to 'disables'.. Then in your scenes simply add the new group address as part of each scene, going to 'on' or 100%, but in the master off scene set it to go to 'off' or 0%..

    Switch option.. Identical to above but in the switch instead of sensor..

    How this works is when the 'Sensor Disable' group gets turned to 'on' it disables the sensor until it goes to 'off'.. Obviously each time you recall a scene it will just reset the 'Sensor disable' group address, until you recall the master off scene and then it will re-enable the sensor due to the 'sensor disable' group going to 'off'..

    Try it and let us know if it works..
    Roosta, Apr 29, 2014
  4. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dunedin NZ
    Thanks for the reply Roosta.

    I'll give it a go as soon as my eDLT arrives as we are having trouble getting them here in NZ.

    Schneider said mid may but will most likely be longer!
    jakelanauze, May 1, 2014
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