Disable PACA while Schedule Plus is running

Discussion in 'Pascal Logic Code Examples' started by dennyzone, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. dennyzone


    Feb 14, 2007
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    I have a job here in the US and this job has a PACA running logic for a Blink to off notice. The customer is now putting Schedule Plus on the network so they can change the daily schedules. All of the logic will now be in the Schedule Plus software and the PACA will not be needed.

    What I am trying to do is, leave the PACA there just disable its Modules until the Schedule Plus goes down. If for any reason the PC with Schedule Plus goes down I want the PACA to come back online, and when Schedule Plus comes back online I need the PACA to go off line again.

    I need some kind of logic that is constantly looking at the Schedule Plus software. I have the disable working, from one software to the other, but when I disable Schedule Plus the PACA does not see it.

    Can anyone help the Americans?
    Thank you,
    Dennis Panzone :D
    dennyzone, Jun 2, 2008
  2. dennyzone

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia

    See if you can use a timeout (I suggest about 1 minute) whereby the PACA waits 2 minutes... if it sees no CHANGE to a group in that 2 minute period it assumes that Schedule Plus is gone and takes over.

    During the PAC logic scans, check that group... if it comes alive then the PAC needs to go asleep again.


    - Schedule Plus logic code needs to have a timer and toggle a group, once a minute. The group does not need to be connected to or control any load.

    - PAC code has 2 main states: sleeping and running.

    - When PAC is in the sleep state it waits up to 2 minutes and if it sees no toggles of the group after that 2 minutes it changes to the running state

    - When PAC is in the running state it checks the magic group every so often and if it sees a toggle then it assumes Schedule Plus is back on line, and so it changes back to the sleeping state.
    ashleigh, Jun 2, 2008
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