Hi All, I'm trying to build a test page on my workshop CTC touch screen. My basic goal is to have 10 buttons to select any 10 gate addresses save these values to 10 variables on the screen and then set the active text for those to the gate address. I'm using the user system io input to get the 10 values and display them on the buttons, this part works ok I then want to use the same numbers to set the group address for each of the buttons using the user system io number or even the text shown in the active text for the button. This is were im having problems, it keeps telling me i have a conflict in the data types. I have tried to convert the system io to something it can use but no luck. Has anyone tried anything like this before, i know its a bit out there... But wanted to do it so i can test any random set of 10 gate addresses to start with. Once i get over this hurdle i can the proceed to create the rest of the logic to loop through the selected addresses and do what ever whit them then. Some of the code i have so far... Initialisation section Gate_1 := '7'; {GetIntSystemIO(1); geen gives invalid data type } SetCompStringProp("Random Selection", "Gate_Status_1", "Text Inactive", Gate_1); Module section If ShowingPage("Random Selection") then if getlightingstate(250) = ON then Initialise all 10 addresses begin GetCompStringProp("Random Selection", "io_1", "Text Active", Gate_Status_1); gate_1 := GetCompIntegerProp("Random Selection", "io_1", "Gate_Status_1"); Gate_1 := GetIntSystemIO(1); SetCompCBusProp("Main", "Scene", "Local", "Trigger", "My Scenes", "Relax Scene"); char1 := chr(Gate_1); SetCompCBusProp("Random Selection", "Gate_Satus_1", "Workshop", "io_6",'C-Bus Group', io_1); SetCompCBusProp("Random Selection", "Gate_Satus_1", "Workshop", "Trigger", "My Scenes", 'io_1'); WriteLn('Gate Address Number = ', char1); SetCompstringProp("Random Selection", "Gate_Satus_6", "Text Active", char6); end { SetCompStringProp("Main", "Lights", "Text Active", button_text_1); { for i := 1 to GetPageCompCount("Tools") do begin if GetCompType("Tools", i - 1) = 1 then // Only do this for button Components begin SetCompIntegerProp("Tools", i - 1, "Background Colour Active", clYellow); end; end; } regards Trevor