CBus v1 issues

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by GeorgeKosmas, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. GeorgeKosmas


    Nov 24, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Guys,
    I have been called up to have a look an old CBus v1 system (most devices are even showing on v1.0 firmware).

    They have:
    - 2 x CBUS v1 - 4 channel dimmers
    - 1 x CBUS v1 - 4 channel relay
    - 1 x CBus v1 - power supply
    - 1 x Some form of clock device (part number 6000M1 written on it)

    The call was to have a look at a single button switch that was intermittently not working. Thinking it was the switch since it is located in the bathroom I went to replace the switch. When i got on site I found that I was unable to reliably scan the whole network. Different devices would show up as "not responding" each time i run a scan. I tried to access the new switch on the network for over an hour but Toolkit was "Unable to identify" it even though I tried it on a test bench without an issue.

    I put my CBus tester on it and the network. The error on the tester keeps bouncing between "Add Burden" and "Remove Burden" every 3-4 seconds.

    I have seen many issues on these old systems where the power supplies look like they are working fine but are causing the cbus network to play up. I am not sure if this is one of those times.

    Has anyone else seen this sort of issue before?
    GeorgeKosmas, Feb 29, 2016
  2. GeorgeKosmas

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    This sounds like an installation getting to 15-20 years old.

    Suggest as your first step you disconnect the PS, and temporarily patch in a new one - see what happens.

    If that sorts it, replace the PC. If not you may have to dig deeper.
    ashleigh, Feb 29, 2016
  3. GeorgeKosmas


    Nov 24, 2004
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    Thanks for that.

    I'll arrange a time with the client and give it a go.

    Fingers cross its just a PS.
    GeorgeKosmas, Mar 2, 2016
  4. GeorgeKosmas


    Nov 30, 2010
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    I have a network installed in 1999 which has about 20 V1 relay / dimmers units on it as well as several new units including touch screens and a wiser1.

    I was told by the C-Bus support guys here in NZ that I should replace them about 2 years ago as they were prone to failing / putting out too much voltage which may be you issue here. Chuck a multimeter on it to see

    Best option is to replace regardless even it this is not the problem.

    From there probably disconect one unit at a time and see if that fixes yor issue as old and new unit will work fine together.

    Also wouldnt hurt to suggest to the client to look at replacing / upgrading these units over time as they are probably at the end of there life cycle.

    I have had a couple of the units ive mentioned become non-responsive, however they have never stopped me connecting to the network.
    wilma288, Mar 7, 2016
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