C-Gate <--> Schedule Plus IP connection?

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by Greg Mortlock, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Greg Mortlock

    Greg Mortlock

    Aug 3, 2004
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    We have software that controls C-Bus networks via ethernet using the C-Gate software. We have a situation where all we want to do is send/receive commands to/from a Schedule Plus program running on another PC, which I'm told can be configured to appear on the C-Bus network like any other C-Bus device.

    It seems a bit backward putting in two CNIs to connect C-Gate to Schedule Plus. What happens if you just point the two apps. at each other in their configs? Will they see each other as if there were a physical C-Bus network in between?

    Or is there some other method for the two apps to communicate.
    Greg Mortlock, Nov 30, 2004
  2. Greg Mortlock


    Jul 26, 2004
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    It doesn't appear on the network like any other device as it is not directly connected to C-bus. However, they can certainly communicate.

    The applications can communicate using the same method as any other C-Bus unit by writing to (and reading from) group addresses, or modifying other network vairables.

    (Added by ashleigh) BUT be careful - because communication is going over the bus to make this happen, you must take care that you only send small amounts of information, infrequently. If you need to do any kind of high speed / bulk data transfer, DO NOT do this over C-Bus!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2004
    Richo, Nov 30, 2004
  3. Greg Mortlock

    Greg Mortlock

    Aug 3, 2004
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    You'll have to bear with me as I'm not farmiliar with Schedule Plus config.

    If I configure C-Gate with a socket connection that points at the Schedule Plus box's IP address, Schedule Plus can be configured to point at the C-Gate box?

    The two apps. can then pass group address levels between them directly over a TCP connection without a physical C-Bus network in between?

    If so, is a particular TCP port used or is this just set in Schedule Plus like in C-Gate?
    Greg Mortlock, Nov 30, 2004
  4. Greg Mortlock


    Jul 26, 2004
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    C-Gate is the sever and does not create a connection to Schedule +. When Schedule Plus runs and connects to C-Gate this connection is both ways so C-Gate will let Schedule + know what is happening.

    It is Schedule + responsability to connect to C-Gate.

    For the group address value changes to work the network must be open in C-Gate which means it must be communicating to a real C-Bus network.

    For Schedule + to talk to C-Gate it connects to various ports on C-Gate. If you have a default install of C-Gate you only have to tell Schedule + the C-Gate machines Ip Address or Host name.
    Richo, Nov 30, 2004
  5. Greg Mortlock

    Greg Mortlock

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hmmm... ok this is a little different than I'd been led to believe. I'm working on 3rd hand information here, so once again you'll have to bear with me.

    We have a site where another company is looking at installing a number of C-Bus networks along with Schedule Plus to control it.

    We also want to control some of the lights as part of audio visual shows that run in the building. We already have our show control system there that can control the C-Bus devices via C-Gate. For some reason unknown to me, rather than controlling the lights directly we are being asked to send 'preset call' type commands to Schedule Plus which will then control the lights for us.

    From what your saying this doesn't sound practical via C-Bus itself. Is there a Schedule Plus API for this sort of control? If not, any suggestions on the best method of acheiving this?
    Greg Mortlock, Nov 30, 2004
  6. Greg Mortlock


    Jul 26, 2004
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    I have no idea what this "'preset call' type commands to Schedule Plus" could mean.

    The easiest solution most likely would be for you to not talk to Schedule + at all but communicate directly to C-Gate (the server used by Schedule +) this will allow you intract with all the functionality of the C-Bus network.

    The problem may be that the company may have a reason they want you to talk to Schedule + (can't think of what or how to do it) but without more specific info it's hard to say.

    C-Gate uses TCP/IP and all you need to do is open a socket connection and issue plain text commands and process the plain text responses. Access to C-Gate command API is available as part of the C-Bus Enabled Program. http://www.cbus-enabled.com
    Richo, Nov 30, 2004
  7. Greg Mortlock

    Darren Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    I am not familiar with the term "preset call" either. If this is something to do with setting a Scene, then the method to do this is very simple. You set up Schedule Plus with the Scenes you want, and give each Scene a unique trigger. From your other application, you just send the scene trigger onto C-Bus. Schedule Plus will see this trigger and set the scene.

    Schedule Plus does not have an API. When version 3 is released, it will have methods which allow other software to interact with it directly.
    Darren, Nov 30, 2004
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