C-Bus : Poll a C-Bus Temperature Sensor

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Viktor, May 22, 2007.

  1. Viktor


    Apr 13, 2006
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    There is an article by ashleigh with the same title in "Quick Tutorials (Read Only)" forum (http://www.cbusforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1229)...

    It contains that phrase: "This example assumes the temperature sensor is on the same network as your PCI."
    Did it mean, that it is possible to poll tempsensor if it is on another network too?
    How the command and answer should look?
    Viktor, May 22, 2007
  2. Viktor

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    You can poll the temperature sensor on a remote network.

    This information is GENERALLY made available to C-Bus Enabled members.

    However... Here is the infor for a temperature sensor through a single bridge.

    If your remote network is one bridge away, you need to know the network number of the network on the other side of the bridge.

    Issue the following special magic command to the PCI on the local network:


    Where <unit> is the unit address you found, expressed as 2 hex digits, and <network> is the network number of the network on the other side of the bridge, also expressed as two hex digits. For example, to read the temperature from unit address 42 (decimal 66), on network F2, the command would be:


    When you get the answer back from the remote temperature sensor there will be some extra information in the packet. It will look like this:


    where <network> is the network ID you saw above, <unit> is the unit address you sent in Step 2, <byte> is 2 hex characters you can ignore, and <val1> and <val2> encode the temperature. For example, you might receive a reply of :


    This means :
    - F2 = network this came from
    - 09 = ignore this
    - 01 = there is another addressing byte to follow
    - 42 = Unit Address
    - 830E = temperature sensor reply
    - 19 = val1 (25 decimal)
    - 77 = val2 (119 decimal)
    - 4C = checksum

    ashleigh, May 23, 2007
  3. Viktor


    Apr 13, 2006
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    Oh, thank you very, very much!
    Viktor, May 23, 2007
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