The Multi-Room Audio protocol document is not on the CIS web-site. Is it available?
The one you are looking for is the Media Transport Control Application, which is published and available for download.
I've got the Media Transport Control Application protocol. It was in that I read that to control volume, bass, source etc you need the C-Bus Multi-Room audio Application. But I just realized you just use the group addresses assigned to the Amps. Must be old age creeping in It does raise an interesting question though. Given that the ga that sets the source is defined in the amp, how does it tell the matrix switcher what to do?
I don't remember! I *think* its part of the signalling from Amp -> Matrix switcher. They are wired up using Cat 5 (or later) cables. Some of the pairs carry a form of digital audio, and some carry other signalling doing goodness knows what. Consider it happening by a form of sufficiently advanced magic.
The MRA Application is used by the Matrix Switcher and the Amps to communicate with each other. The amps implement what we call the "Lighting Bridge" where they take the Lighting Application commands on the groups configured in them for Volume, Source etc, and translate them to the corresponding commands on the MRA Application, which is what the Matrix Switcher actually responds to. The eDLT implements these MRA application commands natively in the MRA widgets, so if you have MRA and just eDLTs, you don't need to configure the amps at all.. you just tell the eDLT which zone it's controlling. Nick
So is the MRA application protocol available, or for external access should I just set up the ga's in the amps and use them to control the matrix switcher?
It's not published so for now you would need to use the lighting bridge in the amps. TBH I don't know whether publishing it would be very helpful.. when I wrote the code for the eDLT I spent a LOT of time trying to understand it, and how the messages are used by the amps and mux. I wrote a lot of code to add to the C-Bus Module to make a sensible API for it. One day this might get released as part of the C-Bus module, but for now it's still on an internal branch. If there's something you find you can't do with that, let us know and we'll see what we can do to help. Nick
Thanks Nick. The Wiser widget manages with the lighting commands and it does all I need for now, so I'll stick with those. Anyway, I want to keep my app compatible with both the PCI/CNI and CGate, and since Cgate doesn't support the MRA app I can't really use it anyway.
Hi, I have installed MRA on may sites, they work fine on wiser 1, but on wiser 2 they are great on the APP. but if you log on via a web browser you can't control the MRA you just get an icon that you can't open. Thanks