Bathroom Light Control [CIS Example]

Discussion in 'Pascal Logic Code Examples' started by Darren, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Darren

    Darren Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    The example project attached shows how to have some external control of bathroom loads using a single key.

    A 4 way switch in the bathroom controls two lights, a heater and a fan.

    A single switch outside the bathroom provides:
    1. Ability to see if any of the bathroom loads are on
    2. Control of the main light, including dimming
    3. Ability to switch off all bathroom loads

    In the logic code you will see how to make two group addresses follow each other's level, in case you ever need to do this.

    Thanks to Ben Clay from Autm8 Solutions for the idea for this.

    Attached Files:

    • test.ctd
      File size:
      18.4 KB
    Darren, Oct 16, 2008
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