"AREA" tab missing on new dimmers and relays.

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by jonnyp64, Dec 23, 2024.

  1. jonnyp64


    Dec 18, 2016
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    Now that Schneider decided to leave out the "area" option on the new devices is there a simple solution when replacing them with devices that had a group address assigned to the area function?
    Ironically 99% of the units that i replace don't have anything in the area tabs but the two jobs so far that i have replaced with new digital dimmers both did! They were both used to control an "all off" scene.
    Both installations use SS switches that don't have scene storage or function options.
    On the first job I installed a Bus Coupler in the switch board just to store the scene and replaced the one switch which set the scene with a new on that has a scene function and all was good.
    The second install has four switches that are used to fire the scene so even if i go down the bus coupler route again, i don't necessarily want to replace four switches unless i really have to.
    Having said all that, this install also has a CT5000 but I'm not sure if they can be used to store scenes or not? I assumed that if it did, the original installer would have gone that way instead of using the "area" option. If scenes can be stored how do you trigger them if the switches don't have scene function??
    The 5000 requires a serial convertor to DL which i dont have and when i tried to do it via cbus i got an error message saying that i had to update cgate which is weird because i have 1.17.7 of Toolkit and version 2.5.0 of the Commissioning software and assumed that the latest version of cgate would be installed. In any case i have downloaded the latest version of Piced and cgate ready to install.
    Merry Christmas everyone.
    jonnyp64, Dec 23, 2024
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