5500SHAC - First day impressions...

Discussion in 'C-Bus Automation Controllers' started by impact, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    WOW - I did it.. Installed, no issues and been playing around most of the day...

    Its a departure from the mk2 BW screen and a few little scripts I had there.... Constant referencing how to do thing sin this slightly new scripting language - exploring... and having fun...

    So far - I have been able to get todays date, time, formatted the way I like it.... Took a little - but relatively easy... However I do like on the Mk2 how a text field can be manipulated in different size - and make it wrap... Was a little disappointed I couldn't get a field to go across multiple lines.... and whats this a file only being 250 bytes... argghhh some challenges there...

    So then I thought, why not go and scrape BOM to get the current weather condition... Was real easy to do the get for the web page... but took a little bit more to work out string handling - just the format of the commands... many web examples of this language did not work - but eventually I found the format, and then the scraping was easy.... So much possibilities...
    - But then on this I was disappointed.. I could only populate that text field again... Id kill for a HTML blob - so I could format text, change colors, introduce a paragraph break....
    - I had to get creative on the refresh... why can I refresh a web page in a frame by hundred or thousands of seconds, yet setting a script to refresh and the maximum was 60 seconds !!! Luckily I found that by putting a sleep(1800) in the script did allow for a longer delay - don't want to be polling BOM too frequently...

    - Other little things I found to solve - I set a background picture on a page, looked nice... My text labels sat on top of it - so that was good, but the frame for a URL - well that sits behind the background picture, and can no longer be seen !!! Argghhh… No properties around to bring things to the top that I have found as yet....

    So I am thinking in my scraping, the script might need to save the text I want, formatted to HTML to a local file, and then I can display that as a web page in a frame to overcome the text field length of 250 bytes, and my wanting to have some color and paragraphs...

    So not bad for my first 4 hours of playing... looking forward to what I can do tomorrow!
    impact, Feb 24, 2019
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