1 burden to many

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by shanede, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. shanede


    Dec 17, 2018
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    On the network page the result shows 1 Burden to many.
    There is only 1 burden ative in the system and running diagnostics show this in the wiser at adress 00.

    There are 73 active units. Oddly the dimmres and the relays all scan as powered units however they are unpowered and as such the network is also scanning as maximum supply surrent exceeded. NEtowrk has seperate cbus power units.

    When dianostics is run all units report voltages over 22V.

    The system seems to run fine for months then the wiser2 will not allow connections and a reboot typically fixes that.

    Any thoughts whay the burden message and the incorect reporting of the units?
    shanede, Apr 3, 2024
  2. shanede


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Note that Diagnostics say Get Network Burden or Clock the info from the Network tree are from the Database and the 2 may not be aligned, also over the years these results have been known to be wrong.
    When originally programming the DB you can select either a powered or unpowered Output unit, A network scan cannot differentiate between a powered and unpowered unit. also you will notice that your PSU don't show up in the scan but can be added to the Database as can hardware burdens. Soif you want everything to be correct you may have to go through your DB and correct any errors, or just live with it.

    With regard to
    The system seems to run fine for months then the wiser2 will not allow connections and a reboot typically fixes that.
    I would consider replacing the Wiser 2 Power supply
    Wonkey, Apr 4, 2024
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